Chapter 18- I'll be fine.

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It was Friday afternoon.

I went over to my old coaches house.

"Hey Scott."

"Hi Bella. Haven't seen you since last year. How are you?" Scott asked with his magical smile.

"Yeah I'm good just wondering about soccer....."

"Yeah. You wanna play cause i need you in the Premier Leauge Ladies" he explained.

"Yeah sure!" I said with a giant grin.

"Okay well you can register tomorrow after the game, so follow me" he said walking to his office.

He gave me socks, shorts, my old #15 jersey. "So you gonna play?" He asked.

"Yes!!" I yelled giving him a hug

"Okay well show up cause I need my old Keeper and striker back!" He said excitedly

"Okay ill just go to the bank now and come back and give you the money." I said walking out the door.

I went to the bank then paid Scott.

I went to the Nike Outlet and got a red and black striped jersey and red Adidas gloves.

"Baby you light up my world" rang on my phone.

I looked at the screen and saw a picture of Niall and I on the couch cuddling.

"Hey you!" I said chirpy

Hey miss chirpy how are you?" He asked just as chirpy.

"I'm good and you?" I asked paying for the jersey and gloves.

"Yah I'm good. Where are you? I'm at your house." He said.

"Hu. What. Why? I thought you were coming over tomorrow." I said all confused

"Yeah but I wanted to see you today." He said cuteish

"Awww. Okay I'll be there in 15 minutes. I'm just at the Nike Outlet." I explained hopping into the car.

"Why are you there?" He asked.

"I'll tell you when I get back babe, I'm on my way home now. Love you byee" I chimed into the phone.

"Bye babe love you" he said and hung up.


Back at my house....

I unlocked the door and found Niall on my couch.

"Hey babe." I said putting the bag onto the bench and walking over to him.

"Hey so why were you at the Nike Outlet?" He asked

"Haha I went to see Scott my old coach and I'm playing soccer again." I explained jumping.

"What about your shoulder?!" He asked concerned,

..........................flash back...............................

"Ready!?" Louis asked from penalty.

"Yeah go!!!" I yelled.

We were mucking around playing soccer, and I was keeper.

Harry wolf whistled and Louis took a few steps back.

He ran up and I dove to my right.

My hand got the ball and it hit it out of the goal post.

*pop*. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

"Bella!!!!!" Ashlee yelled running up to me along with the others.

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