Chapter 60.

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Chapter 60.

It's been 5 months, and the boys are coming home today, on the week break. So far they have had 2 breaks, and simon let them have another break. Ashlee is showing. A lot. And I haven't told Niall yet, but I'm pregnant. 3 months. And I'm showing, but I always wear loose jumpers, and since it's winter, it's awesome. I have an excuse. The girls are over, and always have their hands on our bellies. Perrie had little James Edward Malik, and Jade Madeline Malik. They are absolutely adorable. I've been checking in on Sarah everyday. She has her good and bad days. Her brother is helping out a lot with what she needs.

-knock knock-

Abi went to get the door. "LIAM!!!!" She screamed. I got up and walked to the door. I had set up little hints in the kitchen. "Hey babe" I said and shed a little tear. "Hey how is my beautiful wife?" He asked. "Bingo is just fine" I say as bingo came running up to Niall. "Haha Bella.and how are you?" Niall asked. "Fine" I say. "Oh yeah girls, management wants us to have a meeting with all of us about the rest of the tour" Harry said kissing Ashlee on the temple. "Why?" I asked. "For the rest of the tour!" Louis sassily yelled. "But why do we need to be at the meeting!?!?" I asked getting frustrated. "I don't know... I guess they want to see your boobs" abi said poking my boobs. "They are so squishy" Ashlee said squeezing it. "You right there!?!?" I asked smacking her hand away. "Well maybe cause your pregnant. Gosh some people!" Perrie said obnoxiously.

Niall just looked at me. "You're pregnant?" He almost whispered. "Yeah" I said shyly. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked starting to raise his voice. "We'll leave you two alone" Liam said grabbing Louis and Harry and zayn got the girls out the back.

"Bella!!!! I asked you a fucking question" he yelled again. "I... I... You would've caught the next plane back and I didn't wa-" I started to explain. "Of corse I would've come back!!! I would help you and be here fo-" he yelled back. "You don't need to be here when I got the girls here to help. You got your jo-" I started raising my voice more. "If you haven't fucking realised, I came back for you when you had the fucking baby!!!!!! What's so di-" "what's different is that I'm not having the fucking baby!!!! Seriously, I'm not fucking dying!!!! Like come on Niall!!!" I yelled. "Fine! How about you have the baby, and call me when you 'need' me. How about that! I'll stay down stairs and then you tell me when you need me!?" He yelled and pushed past me. "Niall, it's not like that. I do... Need you..." I said quietly on the verge of tears.

"Well if you need me then why didn't you call me or at least have the fucking decency to fucking call me to tell me I'm going to be a father again? Are you that fucking selfish!?" He yelled walking up to me. "I just wanted to-" "wanted to what? Make me feel like my own fucking wife can't ask for fucking help or tell her husband that she is PREGANT!? All you are is a selfish fucking-" "NIALL THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!" Liam yelled. "No Liam it's fine, Niall leave. I just don't want you here right now" I said and walked upstairs. "Like I said. Fucking selfish bitch!!! I bought this fucking house!!!! And I'm the one getting kicked out!! Fuck you Bella!!!!" I heard him yell from the bedroom. "Niall out!!!" Liam yelled. I heard the door get slammed and hit the wall and slam closed. I started crying. As I slowly started lifting my sleeve, Louis walked in.

"That's not the best idea you know" he said and locked the door. "Sometimes it feels like my only option..." I said slowly looking at the scares I had. "I know... I would suggest smoking, but not this jr on the way..." He said poking my stomach softly. "Hmm... Tried that the first month you left, didn't work, I kinda... Choked.." I said lightly giggling. "Only you Bella." Louis said giggling along. "You know she didn't mean it... I guess she didn't know that it was meant to be a surprise" he said biting his cheek. "Hmm but she did... Wait how do you know it was meant to be a surprise?" I asked astounded. "Well only you or El would do something like that, and also El told me..." He said looking cheekily at me. "Oh yeah... She was the one who suggested it." I said chuckling. -knock- "bell... Can we talk?" Perrie asked. I don't know what happened, but suddenly all the angry and fury I had came boiling to the surface. I got up and went to the door. "You did this you know?! You made me and Niall have a fight! You made me get angry at him, and now you're the reason he is gone. It's all your fault!" I yelled and slapped her. She slapped me back.

"You're a fucking bitch, that's all you are!! I fucking hate you!!!" I yelled while kicking and punching eachother. I felt two strong arms latch onto mine and Perrie and I got pulled apart, but not before I was kicked right in the stomach. I fell to the ground crying, "help me!!" I cried. "Shit Liam!!!!!!!" Louis yelled. "He is with Niall!!" Zayn yelled helping me up and carrying me bridal style. "Zayn! She just fucking hit me!" Perrie whined. "Fucking can it Perrie! You fucking hit a pregnant girl!" Zayn said pushing past her. I was in too much pain and yelling and clutching onto my stomach. "We will get you to the hospital soon bell" Louis said jumping into the front seat. "Wait where are you going?" Ashlee yelled to Louis. "Hospital. Hurry up if you want to come!!" Zayn yelled. "Perrie you stay here with Harry and ash" zayn said kissing her. "I'm sorry and I love you but I'm going to Bella" he said and kissed her again. She had a slight smile.

The drive to the hospital was fast. Abi and El were at my sides trying to calm me down. "What if my baby doesn't make it?" I asked scared. "It's going to be fine Bella.!" Louis said picking me up. "We need a doctor!!" He yelled. I was clutching on his shirt while crying. "What has happened?" A nerve asked. "I was kicked in the stomach... I'm three months pregnant... Help please...ahh!" I cried in pain. "Okay this way" she said and got me a room and immediately a doctor saw me...

After the doctor saw me, he done about sixty thousand tests and took about 10 different blood tests and I think I'm down about 4 litres of blood. I fell asleep and woke up from someone sticking something in my mouth. I jumped. "It's okay sweetie, I'm just checking your temperature." The nurse said and she took my temp and then I fell back asleep.

*Niall's P.O.V*

I got a text from Zayn, he told me Bella was in hospital. We were at a set of lights. Liam had suggested we go for a drive so we started driving and talking. "Niall go" he said. "I.... Bella.... Hos..." I couldn't finish any of my sentences. I waited for a green arrow. Suddenly the arrow went green and I sped over and done a u turn. "Niall what in gods name are you going!?!?!?" Liam yelled holding on to the dash board for dear life. "We need to get to the hospital." I said and went to the direction of the hospital.

As we went to emergency, I parked in ambulance parking and ran inside. "Uhh sir please slow down, is there someone you're here for?" A nurse asked. "Yes. My wife, please tell me she is okay... Please" I said and started to cry. "Okay calm down what is her name?" She asked. "Isabella Horan" I said and frantically played with my fingers. "Okay, she is still waiting for tests, but she is in to-" "Niall here!" Louis yelled from a hallway. I looked at the sign and it said ICU. My mouth dropped. "Niall... She is in here hurry up man" Louis said waving his hand. I slowly walked. I got to Louis and saw Bella sleeping. "Please tell me she is okay..." I whispered not looking him in the eyes. "What.., man she is fine, she is sleeping" he said and I looked up. "Can I just go in by myself?" I asked. "Yeah. We will wait out here." He said a hugged me.

I walked in and Bella stirred a little. "Princess?" I asked brushing my hand by hers. "Ni?" She asked and woke up. "I'm so sorry" I said. "No Niall. You were right, I do need you all the time. Look what happened... I ended up in hospital..." She said looking into my eyes. "Omg I never thought this day would come. The day Bella suto/Horan admitted I Niall Horan is right. And what did happen?" I asked. Just as I asked Perrie came in. "Bella I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have hit you a-" "you fucking hit her?" I snarled with pure venom. "Niall... It's no-" she said. "No Perrie. You are a selfish bitch, and I don't want you anywhere near me or my family, got it" I said and walked back to Bella.

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