chapter 2. calling mum

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when I got home, I ran to the bathroom. I came out and went straight to the kitchen. "Hmm food. oh chocolate!" I said to no one.

I bit the chocolate and dialled my mum.




someone picked up "uhh hello?" the Irish accent asked.

"Hey mum im home." I said.

"who is this?" the person who I thought was my mum said.

''umm this is Bella. who is this?" I asked

"This is Niall."

"Okay mum. stop that." I said to the phone hoping to hear my mums voice.

"this is Niall. im not your mum. last time I checked im a guy. ahah"

"haha. umm. hahah so this isn't my mum?" I said confused

"Nope. this is Niall Horan. you must have dialled the wrong number"

"whaa...... hoo.... umm... so im talking to Niall Horan?" I asked.

"Yeah. so what are you doing Bella?" he asked so casually

"Umm looking for food." I said eating away at my chocolate.

"ohh I could use some food." he said in his cute Irish accent

"I would share but you know. your not here. ahhaha" I said laughing evily.

"I can be. where are you? I think ice cream sounds good at the moment.'' he said giggling.

"Umm.... I don't feel like ice cream. im kinda craving Na..." I was about to say Nando's when Niall cut me off.

"Quick where are you. I want Nando's. ill take you!" he said laughing.

"ahahah 65 Waterbucks road. Hurry!" I said.

"BYE!!" he yelled into the phone.

only about 40 seconds later the bell rang. "Hang on!" I yelled pulling on my skinny jeans I put with a white singlet, grey cardigan and grey beanie to hide my back hair day.

I opened the door and there stood the most beautiful blue eyes, blonde Irish boy with a goofy smile.

"Wha..... Waiii.... How..... Holy Sh.." before he could finish I covered his mouth. "Hey watch your mouth! my baby is sleeping!" I yelled pointing to the kitchen.

"You have a kid?!" he asked mouth open.

"Yes he is black, made from Coca and is very delicious. I named him chocolate now shush. he is sleeping!" I scream-yelled.

"oh I thought you were being serious. cause I saw you today and you were with a friend and you looked really young." he explained

"Are you saying I look old now?! and waii. hold up! you saw me today? whe.... omg! you were the guy in....." I started raising my voice when he put his hand over my mouth.

"Shh you'll wake the baby!" he said whisper-yelling.

I took his hand off my mouth and calmly asked "so you were the one in the car?" I asked

"Do you have twitter? or a computer?" he asked

"umm yeah in there whh.." before I could finished he walked in the direction I pointed.

(ahah see what I did there, Direction ahahah I crack myself up)

He logged into his Twitter and a picture of me popped up. My hands in the air, im smiling and Abi has her hands over her face. I must admit its a good photo.

"Here. read the caption"

the caption said

'Has anyone seen or know this girl? saw her in the car next to me. definition of Beautiful. -Nialler x'

He looked up at me and i was smiling like a good ball. "It was you in the car! you took a picture of me! omg i feel so weird. normally its the other way around...... right. like girls stalking you, except they know your name....." i said in one big breath.

"ahahah yes. and why. and yes. and yes. and yes." he said smiling. his blue eyes shining with happiness.

after what felt like forever staring into his eyes, i started singing and dancing "FOOD!!!! GLORIOUS FOOD! I've already tried it! Peri Peri Chicken all day, My favourite diet. Just picture peri peri chicken on a plate! just wonderful, in my mouth or in my stomach! Oh Peri, Peri, Peri, Marvellous Peri Chicken!". i stopped and looked at Niall with his phone out. "Oh no! Please don't send that to anyone!!!!! Please!!!!" i pleaded.

"Hmm. well if you put it that way... too late i already sent it to Liam." he said winking.

'OUT! NOW!'' i yelled pointing to the door.

His face instantly dropped. he started walking off when i sneakily ran up and jumped on his back and yelled "TOO NANDO'S MY IRISH FRIEND!"

and we headed to his car. 

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