chapter 62

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"You need to deport from your mission Jessica"

"I can't, I'm so close to finding who she really is! I know she is working for someone, just, just give me seven more days!"

"Jessica, I'm counting on you, you are my best agent, and if this doesn't go as smoothly as you say it will, I'm going to have to dismiss you of your agent requirements"

"Don't worry, I'll get her"


I was just sitting around, watching Scarlett play with bingo and sandy. I saw my phone light up and then a message.

From Niall, hey baby going to be home early, rehearsals went great. Xx

To Niall, okay babe, see you soon xx

I got up and walked to the kitchen to make some afternoon tea. I made sandwiches with Nutella, and some hot chocolate. I then heard a knock at the door. "Niall, you don't have to knock babe!" I yelled.

I opened the door and a bag was put over my head, and rope tied around my hands and ankles. "HELP!!!!!!!!" I screamed but failed miserably and something was put in my mouth to stop me from talking.

I woke up in a interview room. Handcuffed to a table and sitting on a chair. I lifted my head off the table and took in my surroundings. The walls were grey, the door was locked and there was a wall with a one way window on it, so I could see my reflection like a mirror. "Hello?" I asked.

The door opened and some guy walked in. "Agent Suto or should I say Horan?" He asked with attitude. "What?" I asked. "Don't act dumb sweetheart, it doesn't suit you" he said and sat I front of me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "A few years ago, your brothers girl friend, Lauren, was murdered, and your DNA was found at the scene, and she was one of our best agents, and I know you are working with Mr Steven Golhurg. Correct?" He asked.

My heart started beating faster. "Well... Yeah b-" "exactly, so you had something do do with it" he assumed. "No. Before you cut me off, I surrendered my duties from being an agent many years ago." I clarified. "So what were your duties of an agent 'when you were an agent'" he asked. "Steven was suspicious of Sam Costello because he thought he had something of his, but I never finished the case, I uhh I just didn't finish it" I said. "Why didn't you finish it?" He asked. "They didn't want me doing the case any more" "who is they?" He asked. "Steven Golhurg, Peter Oletty and -" "George Brooke-Stone" he finished. "Yes" I said. "He is no longer an agent" he said.

"Why? He was in a mission for some company" I said confused. "He was the one who framed Sam. He killed your brother, he threatened to kill Sam and you if he didn't tell you that he caused the accident, but it was all George Brooke-Stone. I'm acutely quite shocked Steven never told you." He said shocked.

"Well there is a lot of things you don't know about him" I said annoyed. "Like what?" He asked. "Like how he said that if I didn't sleep with him, then I could no longer be a secret agent, or the fact that he stole the identity of my ex" I said. "Well I will have you know, that Steven has put one of his agents out to become close with Sam. He may have mentioned her, she is engaged to him I suspect, but I need you back... I know y-" "I'm pregnant" I said. "Oh well you need to keep in close contact with Sam or else Elise Handstil will do bad things, you see, your brother smuggled drugs-" "no! That was Lauren!" I yelled. "He doesn't know that" "can I go?!" I asked and left to find Sam.


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