Chapter 23- management why!?!?

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"Come on. It can't be that bad. They probably just want to meet you!" Niall said with nothing but hope in his speech.

"Yeah....." Louis added, just not as hopeful.

As I walked out of my room with Niall, we greeted the others. The boys were in their usuall outfits. Harry in tight black jeans, white polo and blazer, Zayn in his letterman jacket and blue jeans, Louis in his REALLY tight pants, striped white and red shirt with suspenders and red toms, Liam in his flannelette shirt and blue washed out jeans, and Niall in his red polo and blue jeans. I wore simple shorts with my Manchester United jersey and converses, Ashlee in leggings and pink flowy top, abi in her hot pink jeans and her black and white toy story shirt.

We all piled into the van. Louis and Zayn in front, Liam, abi, and Ashlee along the driver side and Niall, Harry and I along the passenger side.

The car ride was awkward as silent. I rested my head on Niall's shoulder and he put a protective arm around me. Abi and Ashlee didn't look too scared. They were having their own convisation. I just zoned out. I thought of all the possibilities that could happen today. What if they say I can't date Niall, or one of the girls can't date their boyfriends? What if we are a bad influence? What if they have to go away? What if they don't like us? All I could think about is what if.

"Bella? What wrong?" Ashlee said with a horrid look on her face.

That's when I noticed I was crying. Not intentionally, but quietly. I was scared.

"Oh.... Umm... Nothing..." I tried to cover up.

"Bella. It's going to be okay" Niall said rubbing my shoulder. Harry gave me a sympathetic smile.


"We are here for Simon Cowell." Liam being the Daddy Direction he is announced to the lady at the front desk.

"Ahh yes level 9, room 69" she said calmly.

At that moment, Harry, Louis, Niall and I all exchanged looks. "Hahaha 69!" I blurted out.

"Please keep your voices down!" The lady behind the desk demanded.

My face blushed, whoops.

We all headed toward the elevator and got to level 9.

As we walked, I could feel the walls in the corridor getting smaller and smaller. I started breathing heavily, then a rather large man walked out of room 69. I started breathing heavily. I haven't noticed I stoped walking until Ashlee and Harry walked into the back of me.

I fell forward, and Niall just caught me. I was light headed and the last thing i could hear and see was Niall's blue eyes and my name being yelled.


I woke up on a recliner. Towel on my head and Niall holding my hand.

"Oh Bella. Are you alright darling. I didn't mean to cause you any harm or horror. I just wanted to meet the famous girlfriends of my boys. I'm Simon. Simon Cowell." Simon introduced as I opened my eyes.

"H... Hi... Si... Simon. I'm.. Ummm. I'm Bella." I said smiling lightly.

"So Niall. Do you want to take Bella out for some fresh air. I think it will do her good." Liam suggested.

"Yeah sure, you want to Bella?" He asked. I nodded and he offered his hand.

I stood up and walked outside. Niall by my side supporting me.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked worried.

"Yeah. I was just scared." I said as we exited the building and got hit by cool air.

"Scared...... Scared of what?" He asked holding my hand with a firm grasp.

"Of.... Of loosing you" I admitted sheepishly suddenly finding the ground interesting.

"Bella look at me." Niall said lifting my head up to meet his eyes.

"Your not going to loose me no matter how hard you try. I love you. You're my princess. And sorry to say, but you're stuck with me." He added winking.

"Good!" I said throwing my self into his arms and wrapping my hands firmly around his neck,

We started to walk back inside, and went back to Simons office.

Niall opened the door for me, oh what a gentlemen, and we took a seat next the others.

"So. I want to talk about New Years. Some pictures were taken and umm. I think you should just look for yourself." Simon concluded handing us all pictures that were taken.

"Uhh..." Is all I could say as I was sort of remembering New Years.

"Yeah. So would you like to explain to me what happend?" Simon said with one eye brow raised,

"Ummm well we were just going to a club and then we started drinking. And I gues I couldn't stop at 3 shots and neither could Niall. And we ended up having too much to drink." I explained.

"Yeah Bella. And I had one of my friends get a police report with your name in it about your last drunk in counter, not with my boys but with some of your friends....... Here is says A young girl Bella Suto with her friends Jake Sendertun, Ashlee Harris and Andrew Monyloux stealing a giraffe. Saturday 8/11/11 Bella was caught by the police for stealing a Giraffe from London Zoo. Drink teenager Bella was taken to local police station and bailed out by Brother-in-Law Ricky. Lucky Teens." He finished reading and I had a smirk on my face which was quickly washed off as I saw Simons face.

"Bella. I don't want you to be around my innocent Niall if you are going to be stealing Giraffes every time you get drunk." Simon explained as he looked at me.

"Well Niall aint so innocent anymore Uncle Simon" Louis said with a smile that could have the Cheshire Cat a run for his money.

"What do you mean Lou?" Simon asked rubbing my 5 o'clock shadow.

"Well you see, on New Years Niall and Bella used my Christmas present which I found was a very good present. And well they had a food end and start to a year." Louis said with a smirk and a wink.

"And what was this present?" Simon asked Louis intently.

"Oh well..... Don't be silly and wrap your willy!" Louis said making us all laugh but me. I was sitting the with my head in my hands, blushing.

"Oh Niall. Poor, poor, not so innocent Niall." Harry said laughing,

"Shut up!" Niall hissed back.

"Okay okay. Now Bella. I need to know-"

"Was it good!" Louis quickly cut Simon off.

"Omg can I leave!" I asked blushing 50 shades of red.

"Louis shut up. I thought you were the oldest?! And Bella. I need to know, will you keep your drinkin to a minimum, and try not to get drunk as much IN PUBLIC. Because I don't want to have to ask you to stop seeing my boy Niall here, because to what I can see, you make him quite happy and vies a versa." Simon explained.

"I promise!!!!!! And Louis! Shut up you 5 year old!" I shouted l

"Hey! I'm 5 and a half!" He protested.

"What ever." I said and Simon was finished with our meeting,


As we got back to Niall's flat, we all watched Racing Stripes, and episodes upon episodes of spongebob.

Over all it was a very very emotional day.

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