Chapter 51- pain and mummy

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I woke up with the pain of my baby kicking me. I swear it hates me. Niall and the boys have been gone for about 4 and a half days now and they skype us everyday. I was getting bigger and the girls always had their hands on my stomach feeling the baby kicking. I got up slowly and got out of bed. Abi and Ashlee were on the floor on the pull out mattress.

I got a pillow and threw it at them. "Mmmmmmmm go away" Ashlee grumbled. "I didn't do anything" abi said. "Girls get up!" I shout and Ashlee jumped up and abi screamed. "What happend? Who died? Is Liam back!?" Abi yelled still half asleep. "Nothing. No one. And no he isn't back. Now get your asses up. We are getting maccas!" I say with full authority. "Don't turn into Liam Bella!" Ashlee yells. "Hey I'm a mummy!" I scream. "Gosh hormones!" Abi says. "Seriously what's with all the screaming?" Eleanor asks coming in rubbing her eyes. "Get ready. We are going to maccas for breakfast" I simply say and go out the door to the other girls. I walked into the lounge room where izzy and Perrie were and got two pans. I started hitting them together. "Get up! Get up! Get up!" I yell. "What the hell!" Perrie yells. "Breakfast is going to be picked up!" I yell. "But you said we were going?" Abi said confused.

"Naaaa. Jarrod and I will go pick it up" I say. "He isn't up" Ashlee said. "Abi, Ashlee, you know what to do" I say. They go into the fridge and grab a bottle of water each and Perrie, Eleanor, izzy and I wait in the living room. After about 10 seconds, abi and Ashlee come bolting back into the living room, dive over the lounge and hide behind it. "Ahhhh!!!!!! I hate you girls so much!!!!" Jarrod yelled coming out drenched. "Gotcha!" Abi and Ashlee yell jumping up with their bottles in the air. "You're so dead!" Jarrod says and walks over. I get up. "Let's get maccas." I say. "Okay" he says. It's amazing how he can be in a pissy mood the suddenly, the mention of food comes up and he is happy. Gosh I think he is related to Niall.

Jarrod grabbed a towel from the closet and got his keys. "Let's go baby sis" Jarrod said and walked out the door. "Be back soon girls." I say and go to the car. "Drive threw or walk in. "I have no shoes on so drive threw." I state and we go to the drive threw. "Hi how can I help you?" The machine asked. "Hi can I please get 7 bacon and egg mcmuffins, 7 sausage and egg mcmuffins, 14 hash browns, 7 large orange juices, and 2 angus breakfast burgers please" Jarrod said as if he done this every day. "Sure that comes to 89.30 please drive threw. We got to the pay thing and Jarrod gave them a 100 dollar bill. "Keep the change" Jarrod said. We went to get our order and there were like 6 bags. Like wow.

We got back home and jarrod being the Marcho man he is, Carried all the bags while I got the drinks. We got inside and put the food on the floor I front of everyone. I turned on the tv and spongebob was on. "YAY!!!!" I cheer. "Sandy, Bingo!" I say and they come running in. Bingo sits between Jarrod and I and sandy yet again sits I front of the tv. "So what's what?" Perrie asked. "Everyone gets a sausage and egg and a bacon and egg and 2 hash browns each and an orange juice each." Jarrod said. "And what about the two angus breakfast burgers?" Abi asked. "They are mine!" He yelled and tackled abi and took them and put them by his crouch. "Keep em" abi says putting her hand up in defeat. "Good" Jarrod says and we eat while watching tv. Jarod's phone went off and he checked it. "Oh change to channel 503 fox sports! Manchester Untied vs Liverpool!" Jarrod yells. "Yay!" I say. "Just like old times ay Bell" Jarrod says. "Only Manchester are gonna kick Liverpool's arses!" I say. Jarrod runs away and comes back with two scarves. My Manchester one and his Liverpool one. Ever since we were young, we rivalled teams. Manchester and Liverpool, Barcelona and Real Madrid, pink and blue, shorts and jeans. Everything. We were complete opposite but we were always close.

"I swear you two are like best friends." Abi says. "Ew no!" Jarrod says. "Oh you love me!" I say. "Yeah kinda have to! Oh fuck no!!!!! Stuff you Van Persie!" Jarrod yells as Manchester are in lead by one goal. Ashlee's phone starts ringing. She answers without looking. She then puts it on loud speaker. "Glory Glory Man United!" Harry and Louis start chanting. "Yeah!" I yell. "No they suck!" Niall and zayn say in unison. "I hate both teams!" Liam yells. "Niall and Zayn! Beat up Harry and Louis. They are the enemy!" Jarrod yells in a Russian type accent.

"Ahhhhh!!!!" I yell in pain. "Bella what's wrong?" Abi yells scared. "My stomach!" I yell. "Sweetie! Bella! Babe! Answer me!" I hear Niall yell. "Ahhhh!!!! Niall!!!!! Come home now!!!!" I yell. "Bella what's wrong!?!?" Jarrod asks. "I don't know! But I feel like I'm about the be ripped open!" I yell. "Paul!!!" I hear Liam yell then the phone cut out. "Abi start the car!" Perrie yelled. "Come on Bella." Jarrod said helping me up. "Ahhh!! It hurts!" I say. "We need to get you to the hospital" Jarrod says grabbing my arm and putting it over his shoulder.


At hospital

"We need a doctor or someone!" Ashlee and abi yell in unison. "What's wrong?" A doctor asks. I just keep crying. "She screamed out in pain." Izzy said. "Miss, you need to calm down. Where was the pain?" She asks. "Just under my belly button" I say trying to calm the tears. "Okay, who is family?" He asks. "Is she in labor!?" Eleanor asks. "No I just end to check on the baby" he says. "I'm her brother" Jarrod says. "Okay." He says and tells the girls to wait.

*jarrods P.O.V*

We were escorted to a room with a machine and a bed. Bella sat on the bed, and I sat on the chair next to her. She squeezed my hand. "It's going to be okay" I said and tried calming her down. "Okay can you just lift your shirt up please" the doctor asked. She did and some paper stuff, I don't know what the stuff is, was put at the waist line of her pants. I got a text and quickly checked it.

From Niall: on the plane now. Should be 4 hours. What going on?!

To Niall: I don't know. The doctor is checking out what's going on. I'll let you know and soon as I know

From Niall: thank you. :)

The doctor was looking at the previous ultrasound. "Okay. The baby was just moving around, but the reason why it hurt to much was because she was pushing on your stomach" he explains. "So the baby is okay" Bella asks. "From what I can see yes. But I'm going to keep you here for a the day, just to make sure that if you are in pain, you are already here." He explained again.

To Niall: the baby was just moving around and pushing on her stomach.

From Niall: I'm still coming to see her.

To Niall: that's fine. They are keeping her for the day though.

From Niall: did they say why!?!?

To Niall: to make sure that everything is clear.

From Niall: she won't be happy......

To Niall: I know, she hates hospitals more then flies.

From Niall: see you soon man.

Bella was taken to another room by her self and instantly fell asleep. The girls came in. "Well what's the verdict?" Abi asked. "The bay was just moving around and pushing on her stomach" I say a little softer.

*Bella's P.O.V*

After the ultrasound, I was so relieved that the baby was okay. I can't believe just moving around could cause this. As I was being wheeled to another room, I started getting sleepy, so I took full advantage and fell asleep. I could hear the girls come into the room, and they started talking. I could hear my jarrod trying to keep his voice down and so were the girls. After a while I went into a deep sleep.


I woke up from the baby kicking me. "Omg stop kicking me!!!" I say in frustration. "Oh baby you're okay" I hear Niall's voice. "Oh Niall!" I shout in excitement. "I can't believe that baby caused you so much pain" Niall said with wonder. "Good thing we aren't calling it Louis. I mean Louis' are always such nice boys" Louis says stroking his fake beard. "Oh Louis just shut up!" I start. "Now aren't you boys going to give me a hug? I'm in hospital!" I say joking. "Ohhh" the boys say in unison and come over to hug me.

After talking for a bit, a doctor comes in. "Mrs Horan, I'm sorry to bother you, and I know this may cause sadness, but we need to deliver your baby now. It wasn't until I looked closely at the ultrasound that I noticed the umbilical cord loosely around your baby's neck. It could get tighter, but I don't want to risk it." The doctor said with a kind heart. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Will it be too early?" I asked. "It's only 2 and a half weeks. It won't harm the baby" he says, "well let's get my baby" I say half heartedly.

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