Chapter 45- not again.

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*Bella's P.O.V*

Its been 2 weeks since i got my cast off, and i was walking around. but the boys got 2 weeks off to spend with family.

I was laying in bed, and I was in a deep sleep. That was until I heard my phone vibrating. I opened one eye, and grabbed my phone. I guess my mum didn't realise the time difference. I got up and gave Niall my pillow. I got up and walked out the door, walking quietly passed the spare bedroom, because the other boys were sleeping over. I walked passed and quickly answered it. "Hello?" I asked rubbing my eyes.


"What do you mean he is in hospital?" I asked. "He went to hospital last night" my mum said " but why!?" I asked again trying to get her to tell me the full story. "Honey. He was in a car accident" she told me.

My mum called me and she said my brother is in hospital. But she was being stubborn and wouldn't tell me why. But as she told me why we was sent to hospital, I collapsed and hit my head on the sharp corner. The last thing I remember was hitting the floor and seeing nothing but darkness.

*Niall's P.O.V*

I was hugging Bella. But she was cold. She wasn't letting off the normal heat she did. I squeezed her a little tightly and she didn't moan, or let off any sound. I slowly opened my eyes and I was hugging a pillow. I quickly jumped back. I realised Bella wasn't in bed. I slowly got up and checked the spare bed room. I saw Zayn, lightly snoring, Liam sprawled on on his front with his bare butt showing, Louis cuddled up to a teddy and an empty space on the floor. Harry. Bella must be having a midnight snack with Harry.

I started walking out of the room when I heard a blood curdling scream of Harry. This can't be good. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, and I saw Harry next to Bella. Blood around Bella's head and he was on the phone. I ran back up stairs with a bottle of water and sprayed it all over the others. They all jumped up except zayn. The other two yelled. "Wake up zayn, and get dressed now! Bella is going to hospital!" I yelled and ran back down stairs with Louis hot on my heels.

I got back to Harry and Bella. Harry had a towel to Bella's head, still on the phone. "Okay thank you" Harry said and hung up the phone. I swapped positions with Harry and Harry cleaned his hands. The others were standing around not knowing what to do.


I soon started to hear the sirens. And they were right out front. Liam rushed too the door and opened it for the bed thing to be wheeled in by two paramedics with an air mask and big bag. I moved out of the way as the paramedics got Bella onto the bed, and to the ambulance, while asking questions.

"Okay sir we'll take her to hospital." A paramedic said. "Umm no I'm her husband" I retaliated hopping into the back. "Okay, but you need to sit in the front so I can tend to Mrs. Horan." He said. I went into the front seat and Liam came to the window. "Meet us at the hospital." I said as he grabbed my hand. "We will clean up first and yeah we will be you there mate." He said squeezing it before letting go.

"So ummm. I didn't catch your name mate." The paramedic in the back stated. "Oh I'm Niall. Is Bella going to be okay?" I asked frantically. "At this point I can't tell but we should know once she is examined at the hospital. Do you know what happened?" He asked. "Umm no, I looked to see if she was still in bed, and she wasn't so I walked to my mates and then I heard one of the others scream, but I'm not sure what happened." I explained looking at Bella.

"Okay well hopefully when she wakes up she can explain to the doctors what happened." He said putting gauze and bandage on Bella's head. "Yeah." I said. That's when my phone began to ring. I looked at the screen and it was Bella's mum. "Hello Michelle." "Oh Niall. Thank god. Where is Bella!?" She asked as if she was scared. "She is in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, I found her on the floor with a gash on her head." I explained. "Oh my goodness!!!! My baby girl, is she alright!?" She asked again, evident that she was crying.

"Ummm I'm not sure, we are only just getting to the hospital" I said again. "Oh no! Now two of my babies are in hospital!" She cried out. "What do you mean two? Is it Jarrod or Caitlyn?" I asked. "Oh it's Jarrod. He had a car accident" she cried into the phone. "Is he okay?" I asked. "Well that was what I was explaining to Bella before the call cut out. He broke 4 ribs, a broken arm, a fractured knee and a concussion" she explained. "Okay. Well I'll call you as soon as I know what's happening with Bella. Okay Michelle?" I asked. "Yes thank you dear. I'll talk to you soon" she said and hung up.

They wheeled Bella into a private room and asked me to step outside. I looked In from the the window and I saw them put a tube down her throat, hook up heart monitor to her chest and a blood pressure thing on her finger.


By the time they had done all of that, they said I could go in and see her, but only for a short time. They had redone her dressing on her head and changed her into a gown. She looked so pale. There was a faint knock on the door. I walked up to the door and it was the boys. Harry looked like he had seen a ghost, but I don't blame him. I went to him. "Come here mate. Thank you so much" I said and took him into a good hug. He started crying. "If I had of gotten there sooner, then I couldn't have stopped her from falling. It's all my fault. I should've called the ambulance sooner. It's all my fault." Harry started crying and blaming himself.

"Harry! No one is blaming you! Ad you sure as hell shouldn't blame yourself. It's not your fault and none of us could have stopped her from falling." I said rubbing his back. I knew I had to tell the boys what was going on. So I walked over to them. I sat down on a chair next to Bella. This has happened too many times. "Hey boys. I gotta tell you something" I said holding Bella's hand.

They all looked at me as to say keep going. So I took a deep breath. "Bella's mum called me. The reason why Bella collapsed this morning was because she got some bad news. Jarrod was in a car crash." I said. All their faces has the same expression. Pure horror and sadness. "He is okay right? She can't loose to through this again. She doesn't deserve this!" Harry said remembering jake. "I don't know. He broke 4 ribs, an arm, fractured his knee and has a concussion" I explained.

"Man, I feel so bad right now." Liam said sitting on the spare chair in the room. The other boys sat on the floor below the window. Haz was still crying silently. "I'll be back" I said walking out of the room. I went to get some drinks and food.

I opened the door and handed all the boys something to eat and drink.

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