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Hey sorry it's not very good but I wanted a dramatic ending.... So yeah


"Hey girls, can you watch Scarlett and anthony for for my today?" I asked ashlee and Abi as they let me into their apartment. They now share an apartment with Liam and Harry. It's kind of big but not too big. "Hey ni. Yeah of course. Any time. Just call" ashlee said as scarlett went to ashlee. "Hi Aunty ashyy. Can you braid my hair?" She asked. "Sure Hun" I heard her say. "Do you want me to take Anthony?" Abi asked, "yeah. I'll be back after we finish in the studio" I said giving her Anthony.

As I left, I had my head down. It's been 8 months since Bella died and scarlett has been giving me 'therapy' as she calls it. But all it really is bring her special bear she gave me when I was in hospital because it reminds her of bella. She says that she talks to her bear when she is sad and bella talks back. I thinks it's her way of coping.

*liams pov*

Niall was late, and the boys and I were getting worried. He was still taking bellas death hard. Infact we all were. I wanted him to be happy, but I think we all knew that he would always be upset about bella. The boys and I would help out with scarlett and Anthony as much as we could, and so were bellas parents and Niall's parents, but I don't think he wants other people to help.

As I was about to ring niall, he came through the door. "I dropped scarlett and Anthony off at your apartment" he said walking past us and going to the fridge to get a bottle of water. "Niall. Mate are you okay? You look tired" Louis asked looking up at him. "Yeah just dandy" he replied.

I gave niall a look of 'we are talking later' and he just made his face in a straight line.

*nialls phone ringing*

"Hello?" He asked. "Umm who are you?... No I don't remember you... Oh ummm... Yeah sorta... Are you fucking kidding me?! You can't fucking you that! No! Fuck you!" Was all we heard from the conversation.

"Niall. Calm down what happened?" I asked.

"Oh fuck. No no no. This can't be happening.... Oh fuck why didn't you stop me you dick head?!" Niall yelled at louis.

"I didn't do anything mate. What are you talking about?!" Louis yelled back.

"That slut from the club the other night! You let me go home with her!?" Niall yelled tears streaming down her face.

"I thought you called Liam to come pick you up. That's what Perrie told me" Louis said confused.

"I didn't take him home?" Liam said confused. "He didn't even call me" he added.

"Fuck!" Niall yelled punching the wall.

"Niall would you just tell us what happened?" Harry said with a face of utter confusion.

"I can't believe this... She is pregnant" Niall said shaking his head.


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