Chapter 43- don', slow down you're gonna crash...

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" sir. You need to wait outside." I heard someone say.

"But that's my wife!!!!! And she is fucking pregnant with my child. Let me go with you!!" I heard an all too familiar voice yell.

"Sir please. She needs emergency surgery and we can't waste time or we will loose her. Do you understand?" Another voice asked.

Yeah I know you're confused. But so am I. Like seriously why is Niall yelling about me being his wife and me being pregnant. The whole world knows about that. But me needing surgery. That was news to my ears.

"Isabella. Stay with me sweetie. If you can hear me squeeze my hand" I heard a nice lady ask. I used all my strength to squeeze the lady's hand. "Okay good. Now Isabella. You are in hospital. You just had a crash. You have head trauma, and a broken leg. Your baby is fine, but you are in critical condition. Okay. I'm going to put you under." She explained. So that's why I'm here!!!!! Okay let's go back to what happend earlier that day!!


"Wake up baby girl" I heard Niall's sweet voice sing.

"Noo!" I moaned,

"Please. I made you a good breakfast" he replied brushing hair out of my face.

I pointed to my lips. "Hmmm okay." He agreed. I soon felt his warm lips on mine. "Good morning" I said and smiled at him. "Evil" he said and walked out. "But you still love me" I sang and I got up. Instead of going strait down stairs. I ran to the bathroom first. Yup morning sickness. Isn't it wonderful. NOT!!!

After I finished my morning routine, I tired my bird nest messy hair into a messy bun. I had my Howard Showers tights on, and one of Niall's shirts on. I walked down stairs and saw Niall stirring my coffee. "Yay coffee!!!" I sang and he handed it too me. "One coffee and two sugars" he said kissing my head. "You're amazing. You treat me too good" I said sitting my butt on the stool. "So last night before I went to bed, someone called" Niall said in all seriousness. I began to get anxious.

"Uhhhh...... Who.... Who was it?" I asked both scared and curious. "Mr Sam" Niall said and a smile grew across his face. "Omg what did he say!?!?" I asked really excited. "Well he wanted to know if you could go to his wedding in 4 weeks." My mouth literally dropped. "He..... He proposed!!!!!! OMFG I gotta call him!!" I yelled. "Well here." Niall said handing me my phone.



"He-" I cut him out. "Omg you do have balls!!!!!!!!" I yelled into the phone. "Yes I do. And can you come to the wedding?" He asked. "Of corse I'm going to be at your bloody wedding. I might look like I have a fucking watermelon on my stomach but yes I'll be at your wedding you crazy mofo!! But omg you actually grew balls!!!" I yelled in complete utter excitement. "Okay I think we have established that I have grown balls. Now Bella..... I want to know...... Will you be able to help plan the wedding with Jasmine, her friend and I?" He asked. "Will I be able to help. Of corse I'll be able to help. Only if Niall can come as well." I asked. "Of corse that lad can come. Besides if he does, all we will be doing is playing FIFA and drinking pints!" Sam exclaimed.

"AhahAha okay. Well I'll let you and your fiancé go, but I'll call you later today okay?" I asked.

"Yeah sounds good bellybumm, I'll talk to you later" he said and hung up. "Okay so Sam grew balls did he?" Niall asked his a smirk on his face. "Yes he did. Omg he propsed to her!!!" I said and jumped up and down. I jumped into Niall's arms and kissed him passionately. "I love you" he said as we split apart. "I love you too" I said and took my coffee and drank it.

"So you wanna have a garbage day with the gang?" I asked. "Yeah. Sounds good." I said walking into the living room and turning on the tv. Sponge bob came on. "Are you ready kids?" The song sang. "Ei ei captin!" I sang. "I can't hear you!" It sang again. "Ei ei captin!!!!!" I yelled. "Got it!" Niall said running up the stairs. "You know I can't run!!! I'm pregnant!!!!!" I yelled trying to run but failing. My phone soon beeped. I looked at it and a video was up on vine. "You butt hole!!!!!!! Why!?!?" I asked. "Because I love you!!!!" He yelled back.

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