Chapter 44- I heard you.

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*Niall's P.O.V*

I was sitting waiting for someone to come out and tell me Bella was going to be okay. For some reassurance that she is awake or even breathing. But nothing. Liam was sitting next to me on my left, and Harry on my right. Abi, was next to Liam, Ashlee to Harry, zayn and Perrie we in front of us, so was Louis and Eleanor. Everyone was quiet. No one spoke. We just sat there.

If felt like a life time, like we were stuck in time paused. "Bella's family?" A nurse came out. "Yes!" I shot up and ran to her. "Isabella has just came out of surgery, she has stitches in her head, a cast on her left leg and right arm, and a neck brace. She has no injury to the baby, and it is okay but the next 3 hours are going to be very crucial because she did have a slight brain bleed. So she may be in a deep sleep for about 5-8 hours." She told me. "But she is okay?!" Ashlee asked kinda angry but upset. "Yes she is fine but she can't go home today." The doctor explained again. "Well can we at least see her?" I asked. "Of corse. But be very quiet. Follow me." She said and started walking down the white halls.

We got to a room with grey doors. We walked in and Bella had a tube down her throat, a IV in her left arm and her heart beat was steady. I walked up to her. "Bella. Baby, if you can hear me squeeze my hand" I said holding her hand. But nothing happened. I said down next to her bed and everyone stood around the bed. "Niall, the doctor said she will be in a deep sleep for about 5-8 hours. She probably won't respond." Liam explained. "But she might squeeze me hand!" I retaliated out of frustration. "Doesn't mean she will" Harry then said. I let my head fall.

It's been about 5 hours and I just woke up. I fell asleep in the chair I was sitting on. I looked up at Bella and she was in the same position she was in before, only the tube was out of her mouth. I lightly brushed her cheek. "Bella, I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you so much, and I just wish you could see how much I love you. Because you are my world, you are the reason I haven't given up on anything, and I would give up anything for you, even singing. Because I love you so much." I said. She still didn't move. I needed to get some air, so I walked put of the hospital for a bit.

I walking out and saw people outside the hospital. News reporters, cameras, and fans. Now don't get me wrong, I love fans, but can I get a break. Like seriously. I quickly went back inside and walked back into the room Bella was in. "Mr Horan, would you like something to eat?" A nurse asked. "Umm yeah sure ill ha-" I was cut out by the boys entering the room with food. "Oh uhh never mind." I said nicely. Liam handed me the back of Nandos. I opened the bag and took out some chips and ate them.

"Ni?" I heard the faint voice of Bella. "Bella?" I asked. "Ni.... What happened?" She asked. "Baby you were in a car crash. Are you feeling okay?" I asked putting the food down. "Yeah, but my head hurts a little. And I'm hungry." She said sitting up slightly. She looked at her arm. "I'm guessing I broke my arm......" She said slowly. "Yeah... And your leg" I added. "Are you serious?" She asked trying to move her leg. "Yes I'm serious. Now open" I said grabbing a chip. "Yay" she cheering opening her mouth. "There you go" I said putting the chip in her mouth. "Yummy. Thank you" she said while eating. "Gosh manners!" Louis sassed. "Gosh when did you turn into my mother?" Bella asked while rolling her eyes. "Wait!!! Is the baby okay!?!?" Bella asked frantically. "Yes babe. The baby is fine. The doctor said you only broke your leg, arm and had a little bit of head trauma." I told her.

"Oh thank god!" She said lightly rubbing her stomach. "Yeah. I'm just happy you and the baby are okay" I said kissing her head lightly. A Nurse came in and checked Bella's blood pressure.

*Bella's P.O.V*

"Excuse me. When can I go home?" I asked not wanting to be here. "Hopefully tomorrow morning. We need to make sure that everything is clear before you can go" she explained. "But why can't you just make sure they are all good now so I can go home?" I asked. "Because we haven't got all the results" she replied. "When will you have all the results?" I asked again. "I'm not sure but we will get them when they are done." She said once again. "And whe-" I was cut out. "Bella! Enough!" Liam said with a smirk. "Sorry" I said innocently. "Get some rest sweetie" the nurse told me walking out.

"God you talk a lot!" Zayn said breathing out heavily. "Well sorry I don't like hospitals!" I retaliated. "Seriously your fucking hormones are going crazy!" Abi said laughing lightly. "I'm pregnant and craving chicken teriyaki and avocado sushi!" I whined. "But Niall got you Nandos!" Abi retaliated. I sat there defeated. "That's right bitch. Now shut up!" Abi playfully said. "I'm going to sleep and hopefully I can go home faster!" I said and rolled on my side as best I could.


I felt a needle be pulled out of my arm, and suction type things be pulled off my chest. "Yes you can wake her when ever you want, just make sure she is using her leg as little as possible." I heard someone say. My eyes shot open. "I can go now!?!?!," I beamed. "Haha yes you can sweet heart, I was just explaining to your husband that you need to use you leg as little as possible. And rest for about 3 weeks." She said. "Done! Lets go!" I cheered slowly getting out of bed.

I was put into a wheel chair and Niall wheeled me out of the hospital. "I'm going to be so relaxed these next 3 weeks." I explained. "Yeah. You're staying in bed and on the lounge, and if you need something just ask." Niall replied opening the car door. I got into the car and we drove home.

"Hey Niall. Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Yeah of corse you can." He said putting his hand lightly on my leg. "When I was asleep, I heard you talking. And I don't know if it was just me dreaming or not, but did you say that ,I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you so much, and I just wish you could see how much I love you. Because you are my world, you are the reason I haven't given up on anything, and I would give up anything for you, even singing. Because I love you so much" I said looking at his hand on my thigh. "Yeah I did princess. And it's all true. And I love you so much." He said.

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