Chapter 9- carrot buddies

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"Bella. I've got a bit of news." Mum said sitting on my bed while I was doing an assignment.

"Yeah...." I said looking at her. She didn't look very happy.

"Umm. Sweetie I've got to go and help a store in the US and I'll be going there for about 2 months." She said looking anywhere but at me.

"Mum, how come you have to go there. Why can't someone else go there?" I asked walking over sitting across from her on my bed.

"Because I'm higher and more experienced in the store and they need me to help out there. I'm leaving in 2 days. I know it's such short notice, I only just got told today. I didn't even have an option." She explained.

"So I'll be staying here with Jarrod?" I asked hoping he would be staying at his girlfriends.

"Umm... That's the thing.... I asked him if he wants to come, and he is going to come and stay there when I come back. And his girlfriend is going to stay with him." She explained.

"Can I stay here!?" I asked not wanting to go there with them.

"Oh sweetie. You ca......" She tried to explain before I cut her off.

"Please mum. I'll be good, I've been saving up and I have $950 dollars in my card so I can buy food and Abi can stay over and it will all be fine" I said trying to persuade her into letting me stay here.

"Bella. You have to promise to call EVERYDAY. NOT make a mess and no boys can sleep over. See if Abi can go shopping with you tomorrow after school so you can get some food. Just easy cooked stuff. NO WAFFLES!!" She said.

"Omg yay. I'll call her now and ask. Thank you and I promise!" I said hugging her.

Mum walked out and the she-devil walked in.

"Oh thank god you're not coming. Your such a buzz kill. I'll make sure to take care of j......" Boom. I've had enough. I punched her in the face and ran out of my room and ran to Abi's.


(At Abi's)

"So you punched her?!" Abi asked full of shock and excitement

"Yeah in the face. I'm glad I did I hate her so much" I explained pacing.

"Well how hard did you hit her?" She asked.

"I don't know?" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"Was she breathing?" She asked looking excited. She didn't like her either. She called her a sl*t, slapped her and tried to tare us apart.

"I think so. Her chest was moving. And she was holding her face." I explained looking confused at her question.

"Well you didn't hit her hard enough!" She said laughing.

"Yeah your probably right." I said looking at the ground.

"Hmmm so your mum is leaving?" She asked with no expression.

"Hmm. So do you wanna come shopping tomorrow with me to get enough food for 2 months." I asked.

"Hmm. That sounds pretty good. If......." She said rubbing her hands.

"Of corse we are getting Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and dinosaur nuggets and seafood." I said in the 'duh' expression.

"Yay. Then we will go after school tomorrow afternoon." She said jumping up and down.

"Bella. Bella are you here!?" My mum asked.

"Shit. Is there anyway out of here?" I asked looking around.

"Window" she said pointing to it. "But remember two stories.'' She said looking at me weird.

"I'll jump." I said halfway out the window.

"Bye. Ill stall her and talk about her trip" she said walking to the door.

I was on the roof and made sure I wasn't in view for my mother to see me.

I saw a car. Omg. I know that car. That's Niall.




"Hello?" Niall asked.

"Park your car right there. I'll be in your car in about 60 seconds if I'm not there just drive off" I said then hung up.

Okay..... 1........ 2........... 3......... Jump......

Boom. I landed and done a commando roll. There is his car. Luckily my mum was still inside.

I opened the door of his car and hopped in. "Hi" I said with grass in my hair

" hi to you miss I have grass in my hair" Niall said picking bits of grass out of my hair.

I looked out the mirror and saw my mum coming out of the house.

To mum: hey mum just gone for a run. Sorry I didn't tell you, just needed to clear my head a bit.


From mum: oh okay. Lauren (Jarrod's girlfriend) was passed out on your floor. I think she fainted. Jarrod is taking her to the doctors now. I thought you were at Abi's so I went there but now I know your going for a run. See you later. - mum

Well...... I guess that was close. "So why are you here?" He asked.

"Jarrod's girlfriend was down talking me again. So I just couldn't handle it, and I punched her and ran to Abi's." I explained looking at my red fist.

"Oh okay.... So wanna go back to mine for a bit. Louis and Harry are over. They were bored." He asked with a smile.

"Sure why not." I said smiling.


As we got the Niall's I saw a grey car. "Wow who's car?" I asked looking at the nice BMW.

"Oh that's Harry's. he got it last month." He explained like it was nothing special.

"Hmm nice car." I said,

As we went inside Louis and Harry were arguing who got the last piece of pizza. Niall joined the argument, I stood back I enjoyed the entertainment. I noticed it was BBQ chicken. My favourite.

They were still arguing about how they are had to have it, so I walked up grabbed the pizza and took a bit of it, looked at all of them with a smile, and walked away and watched tv.

Next thing I know, Louis is on top of me trying to take the pizza. "Give me that pizza!!!!!!" Louis yelled trying to grab it. Niall was standing behind the couch, so I gave it to him, grabbed Louis' wrists, flipped him over and pinned him to the ground.

"Wow." Niall and Harry stood there with the mouths to the ground.

I walked up to Niall and grabbed the pizza and finished it off. "Thanks." I said and walked back over the the couch.

"So Bella. Do you like carrots?" Louis asked at the other end of the couch.

"Omg I love them. I like them with honey. Or just plain." I explained now interested in the convo.

"Carrot Buddies to the rescue!!!!!!" Louis yelled jumping over the couch, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Okay Louis calm your carrots." I said as he put me down.

"Buzz kill!" He yelled and walked over to Harry.

"I never liked up anyway. Harry and I always had a thing." Louis said going to Harry and hugging his and kissing his cheek.

"Umm. Uhh he is just kidding Bella." Harry said blushing.

"Oh come on. You can't tell me that they isn't and never has been something going on there. Larry Stylinson" Niall said pointing between the two of them.

"Aww Louis I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I do like carrots." I said giving him my puppy dog eyes.

"Awe man your worse than Liam. Of corse I can forgive you. We can be Carrot Buddies!!!!" Louis said putting his arms up like super man.

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