Chapter 58

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Sorry don't want to do a chapter on the funeral. Too depressing.


Chapter 58.

*Bella's P.O.V*

"Are you sure you're alright? You haven't eaten in 3 days" Niall asked. "I'm fine. I'm just not hungry" I said watching tv. "Fine. I'll just put this here. And if you say you're not hungry, then I guess when I get back, this plate will be the same" Niall said putting a plate with veggies, steak and salad on it. I must admit, it looked so good. But I'm just too upset. As soon as the door closed, I scoffed the whole plate within 5 minutes. Niall came rushing back in. "Forgot my wal- ahh so you were hungry. Look Bella. Don't starve yourself... Jarrod wouldn't want you starving yourself. It's just not healthy." Niall explained. "Uhh... Fine.." I said giving up.

"Good. Now I'm going to go out with Louis, Harry and Liam, so just stay here and don't starve yourself" Niall said. "Okay" I responded and then I heard Scarlett start crying. I got up and went up stairs. Niall followed. I picked her up. "Da!" She cried. "Did she just?" I asked looking at her. "Dada" she cried again. "She said dada!!!!" Niall cried. "I guess she want her daddy" I said and handed Scarlett to Niall. "Can you day dada?" Niall asked. "Da- dada!" She said again. "And here I was hoping her first word would be Nandos!" Niall exclaimed. He got his phone out and pulled me close. He quickly took a picture. He captioned it, 'my girl said her first word. dada. So proud'.

"Well.. I'll be back at 3:30 okay?" Niall asked. "Yeah that's fine, I'll just clean up a little. What do you want for dinner?" I asked. "Hmm how about... Chicken wrapped in bacon? With caesar salad?" Niall asked. "I can do that. But do you wanna get chicken, bacon and salad on your way home?" I asked. "Yeah sure. I'll get a movie and some ice cream and chocolate" he said kissing me gently. "Sounds great" I said kissing him. "I'll see you soon babe" Niall said and left.

I put Scarlett back down and went downstairs to start cleaning. I started with the kitchen. When I was done with ten kitchen, I went to the lounge room. There wasn't really much cleaning to do, so it didn't take that long. I was finished cleaning the whole house within 2 hours. Now it was 12:30 and I sat down and started watching bring it on.

-knock knock- I paused the tv and went to the door. As I opened the door, someone I hadn't expected to be there, showed up. Josesnne. My mouth was left open agape. "Uhh... Hi Bella" she said and waved. "Oh... He.. Hey Josie. Hoe are you? Where have you been? I missed you so much" I started. "Hey.. I uh... My nunno passed away and I wanted to be there for my family... And I thought that cause I left so suddenly that, if I came back, I'd stuff things up... So I just stayed there for a little" she explained. "I can't believe you're back?" I said hugging her. "Yeah. So what have you been up too?" She asked. "Ohh well.. I ummm I'm married.... And have a kid... And Ashlee is pregnant... A-" I was about to say something when she interrupted me. "Omg where is Jarrod!? I haven't seen him in ages!" She exclaimed excitedly. That broke me. I just collapsed into tears. "Hey hey Bella.. What's up?" She asked. "He is... Uhh he died...." I said threw tears. "What... When...?" She asked cautiously. "2 weeks ago" I said trying to compose myself. "I'm so so sorry babe" she said hugging me. Right at that moment, Niall, Liam, Harry and Louis walked through the door.

Niall rushed to my side, and Louis stood there frozen. I quickly stood up and ran to the kitchen with Niall hot on my heels. "Babe what happened?" Niall asked. "She just asked about him" I said. "Oh babe.... It's okay... It's going to be hard" he said and then covered his mouth. "That sounded so dirty" I said and laughed a little. "Wow, my stupid words make you laugh" he said. "Hmm yeah" I said hugging him. "Thank you" "we're going to check on Scarlett" Liam and Harry said at the same time.

We walked out of the kitchen and Louis and Josie were talking. Louis was sitting on one side of the couch and josesnne on the other. At that moment, Eleanor and abi walked through. "What the f**k is she doing here!?" Eleanor cursed. "El! Calm down" I said bringing her into the kitchen. "What is she doing here!?" She whisper yelled to me. "She came back from Malta. Her Nunno passed away and she didn't want to tell anyone, and she came back, but I didn't realise she was coming back" I explained. "She better not do anything to try and get him back. He is mine" I ensured. "Eleanor trust me. She won't" I reassured her. "Hello!!!!???!" Ashlee yelled. "Full house?" I asked. "Oh yeah.... Niall called everyone over. He bought extra food.... So we are sleeping over..." Abi said. "In here Ashlee" I called.

Ashlee walked in and hugged us all. "Uhh when did Josie get back?" She asked. "Today. Her Nunno died" I said and a tear streamed down my face. Niall hugged me from behind. "I hope it's alright that they are over" he said kissing my head. "It's fine. They are like family." I said. "Except Joseanne" Eleanor said. "She is nice. She won't try to get back with him" Ashlee and I said at the same time. "Better not" she said.

"Well who wants to help me cook?" I asked. "I'll help" Eleanor said. "Awesome" I said. "You girls go set the table. And tell the boys that dinner will be ready in 45 minutes." I said. "That's too long" Niall said. I bursted out laughing. "Sorry" Niall said. "No, no, no it's fine" I said composing my self once again. "Just go" I said pushing Niall out of the kitchen. "Uh fine, do I at least get a kiss?" Niall asked. "I'll think about it" I said and walked back into the kitchen with Eleanor.

"El. Josie isn't that bad. I promise" I said. "Hmm" is all she said. -knock knock- "omg! I'll get it!" I called. "You do that" Ashlee and abi called. I walked to the door and jarrod friend from soccer, Ethan came in. He hugged me and I hugged him back. "I'm so sorry bell" he said rubbing my back. Before I let the tears fall, I pulled back covering my face. "Hey hey. It's okay to hurt" he said. "I know... I just... It happened to suddenly" I said whipping a stray tear. "Hey bell I gotta go- ohh uhh who is this?" She asked. "Ohh... Joseanne, this is Ethan, Ethan this is Joseanne" I said introducing them both. "Hi it's nice to meet you" Josie said. "Like wise." He said smiling. I noticed a little bit of a connection. "I'll leave you too alone" I said wolf whistling between them. I walked away and walked into the kitchen. "I don't think you have to worry about Joseanne, I think she found a new love" I said putting the chicken wrapped in bacon into the oven. "Who?" She asked. "You know that guy who came over ages and ages ago with the twin brother and played on Jarod's team?" I asked. "Yeah?" She said confused. "They just met... And it was kinda- shh" I said and walked to hear what they were talking about. "How about dinner tonight?" Ethan asked Joseanne. "Yeah... Sounds good" Joseanne said. "There you go. They are going on a date tonight" I said.

"Good. She can keep her hands on my boyfriend." El said. "Calm down" I said walking out to everyone else. It was a Man Utd vs Arsenal game. I ran and ran next to Harry. "Berry moment!!!" I yelled. Everyone just stopped and looked at me. "What!? Bella and Harry moment? We both go for Man Utd. So does Louis, Liam and Eleaor, and Niall Ashlee, abi and Dani go for Arsenal" I said. Then Scarlett started crying, I quickly got up and get her. I put her on the ground between the two rivals and she crawled to Niall. "I guess she's an Arsenal fan." Niall said picking her up. She frowned and pointed to me. I raised an eyebrow and Harry got her and have her to me, "maybe not" I said holding her and she watched the game.

Man Utd scored and she cheered. "Yeah baby, we scored" I said tickling her. "Dada!" She screamed pointing to the screen where a blonde player showed up. "No Scar, that's dada" I said pointing to Niall. "Dada!" She called again pointing to Liam. "No that's daddy direction. That your daddy" I said pointing to Niall. "No!" She said. "Second word!!!!!!" Niall cheered. "Dada!" Niall cheered. "Dada!" She screamed and I put her on the floor and she crawled to Niall.

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