Chapter 19- waking up.

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Authors note: really sorry I haven't updated in a while, been busy with school. Quick question for you guys, just inbox me what you think.

Do any of you have that one teacher who hates you and your friends for no reason? And that one teacher who calls all your friends by their names and calls you by a totally different one? And another who picks on you for fun? Seriously is it just me?

Oh and just want to say, I'll be updating at random moments because of school so just keep your eyes peeled (as spongebob says) because I could update at anytime :)

-Bella xx


I woke up with a splitting head ache. The last thing I remember was saying 'I am fine' to Niall.

Well that was a big fat lie. So as I woke up I saw Ashlee and Abi at the foot of my bed talking with tear stained faces.

"Uhh" Is all I managed to get out.

"Omg! Nurse. Doctor. Superman. Somebody. She is awake!!!!" Ashlee yelled.

"Bella. Are you okay?! How is your head?!" Abi said holding my hand

"Uhh.. I.... I... I umm. I'm fine. I think. And my head is sore. Any chance I can get some paradol or nurofen?" I asked lightly rubbing my head,

"Hello Miss Suto" the nurse with long blonde hair, blue eyes and pearly white smile said.

"Hi. Can I get paradol?" I asked really bluntly.

"Yeah sure Ill be right back" she said with a smile.

Okay I feel bad now. I should have said it nicer.

"Okay so the doctor is so nice. She is always smiling. I don't know.... Wait..... That's why.. Your Niall's girlfriend. She wants to be nice to score." Ashlee and abi soon figured out after realising.

"Yes and your dating Liam and your dating Harry. " I said pointing to both of them.

"Here you go." She said handing me the paradol.

"Thanks and I'm sorry for being rude" I said taking the paradol and swallowing it.

"Oh it's okay" she said. As she put her hand on the back of the clip board I noticed a rather large gold diamond ring. I'm guessing either married or engaged.

She left and Ashlee, Abi and I just talked.

"Omg I need to pee. Ill be...." Ashlee was cut off my getting a message. "Abi read it for me ill be back."

'Hey babe, umm so we just finished out concert on a badish note. Niall started crying in moments. We talked to him and he is scared. He needs to know Bella is alright so please tell me she is alright...lm not so sure myself. Please tell me you and her are alright. And are we aloud to see her?' Ashlee read the text from Liam.

"Pass it here!" I demanded.

Ashlee handed me the phone.

I shakily dialled Liam's number,



"Hey babe." Liam said

"Sorry" I said hoping he would realise it was me.

"Oh he....."

"Shhhh. Pretend I'm somebody else!" I said not wanting to make it obviously

"Okay what's up mate?" He asked casually.

"I saw the text from abi. Awww thankyou by the way. And can you tell the boys not niall that I'm fine, and just bring Niall to me. I need him to see I'm okay and I need to just see him. Please.?" I begged.

"Yeah. Ill be there soon, bye"

"Thanks bye"

*** Liam's P.O.V ***

After I got off the phone with Bella I went to Louis and Harry who were arguing over who was better. captin America or super man.

"Oi boys. We are going to see Bella. But don't say anything to Niall. It's a surprise. She is fine." Is all I said before I left the room.

"Hey Zayn." I casually said

I noticed Niall came in so I just played it cool.

I typed on my phone 'tell Niall that you and him are going to Nando's but take him to the hospital, we will leave soon but make sure he goes!!!" I showed him the phone and he played it cool and just made it look as if I was showing him new hair product,

"Hey Ni. Wanna go Nando's?" Zayn asked as I got the others and went to the hospital.

"Yeah let me get changed." Niall got up and got changed.

"Leaving soon meet you there :)" is the text I got from Zayn.

*** Niall's P.O.V ***

I got in the car and Zayn sarted to go to Nando's.

He missed the turn.

"Uh Zayn.. Man you missed the turn...." Said not sure where he was going.

"Yeah we need to make one stop first." He said turning right,

"Uh okay where?" I asked,

"You'll see. Oh there is a blind fold on the back, put it on!" He said, I didn't bother arguing so I put it on.

All I could see was black. We were driving for a while and we finally came to a stop.

Zayn helped me out of the car and led me to the place.

" can I take it off now?" I asked getting anxious

"Hold on." Is all he said,

We kept walked and I heard a few people talking. We walked through a door and I would still feel zayn's hands on my shoulders.

He just said to stand where I was. I obliged.

"Okay so Niall. Just stay there ummm but no peeking okay?" He said,

"Okay.." I replied a little confused.

Suddenly I felt a pair of lips on mine. They weren't any lips. They were lips I longed for. Lips I hadn't felt in a while. That I missed. They were her lips. Bella's. my blind fold slowly came off reveiling Bella's beautiful bluey green eyes, bright smile and her self.

"Omg. Your okay!?!" I said cupping her face in disbelief.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Well wait. The doctor said ill be okay. But nothing major. Just a mild concussion so I can come home tonight" she explained.

"Really?" I asked hoping I wasn't dreaming.

"Yeah really. You know all I want to do I just lay with you, in your arms and fall asleep to your heartbeat beating in time with mine" she said looking me in the eyes,

"That's all I've wanted to here. I thought I lost you. I couldn't sing...." She cut me off.

"I know. But you don't need to cry anymore, because I'm okay. And I'll be in your arms and we can have this day for one more say and many more days to come" she said quoting the song.

She stood on her tippy toes and kissed me passionately.

And to think this started with her dialling the wrong number which right now, was the best mistake she has ever made.


Authors note. So what do you think? Inbox me or leave a comment and I can do dedications, and if you want me to put your idea in or add you in my story , I will :)

Bella xx

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