chapter 61

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Since I came home from the hospital, Niall has been really sick. He hasn't been eating as much, and even if he did, he would be in the bathroom, bringing it all back up. Not to mention, his high temperature, coming in and out of consciousness, and constant head aches. He said he went to the doctors with Liam the other day and he has been taking anti biotics, but it doesn't seem to be doing much good.


I got up to answer the door, and Liam and Louis were at the door with a few video games. "Hey how is Nialler?" Louis asked hugging me. "Same as yesterday, if not worse" I said and hugged Liam. "Well we brought over some video games if he wants to play them" Louis said holding up some video games. We all walked up the stairs to see Niall not there. "Ni?" I asked. "Here" he said then I heard vomit. "Babe..." I said sympathetically. "Ni... You are vomiting blood" I said and ran out to Liam and Louis. "Get the car started." I said and went back to Niall. "Come on baby, we are taking you to the hospital." I said and helped him up. I grabbed a bowl and gave it to him. He was in the back with me, Louis driving, Liam in the passenger side, and Scarlett in the baby seat beside me. "Mummy... Is daddy okay?" She asked. "Daddy is a little sick, but he is going to be okay" I said and kissed her head.

Just as I looked back at Niall, he fell unconscious on my shoulder....

As we pulled up to the hospital, Louis ran in and got a few nurses. "What's the problem?" The nurse asked. "My husband, he had been really sick for the last week, lost his appetite, when he does eat, he is vomiting, he falls in and out of consciousness, he has constant head aches and he has been having fevers of up to 42.4 and this morning he was vomiting and had blood in his vomit." I explained as they took him to a room.

As they hooked him up, he regained conciseness. "Babe, it's going to be okay" I said and kissed his head. "My head is spinning" he mumbled. "Are you going to be sick?" I asked. He nodded and I got the spew bag. As Liam and Louis came in with Scarlett, she started crying. "Daddy... Please don't leave." She said and stretched her arms out to him. "Ba-baby daddy is-isn't going an-vomit- anywhere" he said breathing heavily. "But you in hopidol" she said trying to say hospital. "I know baby, I'm just- vomit - a little sick" he said. I got Scarlett and she hugged me. "Can I give daddy my special bear?" She whispered in my ear. "Okay, I'll get uncle Liam to get it" I said. I put Scarlett on the chair next to Niall, and she started telling him a story about a fairy princess, who liked playing guitars and killing frogs.

I walked over to Liam. "How is he doing?" He asked. "He is getting IV fluid into him, so that's a start, but that's not what I came over here to do. Scarlett wants to give Niall her special bear, do you think you could go back to our house and get it for her?" I asked. "Of corse, but I'm taking Louis with me" he said. "Okay, you can take me as long as it's not up the rectum" he said seriously. "Ummm.... Yeah just... Uhh just go" I said trying to remain calm and not laugh. I walked back to Scarlett and Niall and Scarlett had finished her story. "And the princess lived happily ever after with prince Louis in his sassy pink castle in Marshmallow city" she said. "That was a lovely story princess, but what about the frog George. Doesn't he get a happy ending too?" Niall asked. "No. He tried to steal the princess away from Prince Louis" she said pointing at Niall. "Who is the princess then scar?" I asked.

"Uncle Harry, but we can't let uncle Harry know because i promised he would be the prince, but I like uncle Louis better. He tells me jokes, and makes funny faces and makes me feel better when I'm sad or when I can't find Pipa" she explained. "Hey how you feeling Nialler?" Harry said running in. "Had better days" he said. "Hey Scarlett" Harry said picking her up. "Hello curls" she said pulling his curls. "Scarlett, why don't you tell uncle Harry about the story you told daddy" I said and she smiled. "Okay so..." She started and Harry took her for a walk.

"Okay, Niall Horan?" The doctor asked. "Yes" he said. "It seems you have, gastritis" he said. "In English please" I asked. "Okay so basically, you have had some sort of food that has made you produce too much acid and caused some swelling of the stomach lining, but it's okay, I'll give you some medicine to reduce the swelling, but in the meantime, try to cut down the oily, fatty and spicy foods and in about 3 weeks time, you should be back to your old self. Oh and I'll give you a diet plan so you know what to eat, and what not to eat. Also, I'd suggest no fast food or anything deep fried." He said. "So like no maccas, Nandos, pizza, just veggies and stuff?" Niall asked. "Exactly, you be fine if you eat that actually" the doctor clarified. "No, no, no, you don't understand, I need my Nandos, I live on Nandos, I need maccas, and pizza, and fatty, oily and spicy foods! It's my life" Niall panicked. "Oh and no alcohol" the doctor finished and walked out.

"Bella, you have to eat what ever I eat, and the boys can't come over if they are going to eat something I can't. I mean, no alcohol, that's like my H2O!" He said throwing his hands in the air. "Daddy! I got you a present!" Scarlett said climbing onto the chair and gave Niall her bear. "Thankyou princess." She smiled and started telling Niall a story about some kind of princess pawpa in fairy mania.

"So is he going to be alright?" Harry asked with Louis and Liam. "Yeah, but he doesn't want you guys to come over if you eat something he can't, like pizza, Nandos, maccas or shit food" I explained. "Well looks like well see you when he gets better then" Louis said laughing. "Come on, at least show you care mr sassy" I said pushing his shoulder lightly. "Yeah what ever" he said and we walked back to Niall. "Poor Niall has to go on a diet" Louis teased. "I'll make you go on a diet!" Niall said crossing his arms. "Okay, we will just discharge you, and you can go home, just rest, and make sure to stick with your diet, oh and it would really help if you boys helped him out" the doctor said and I heard someone slap something, and Louis went bright red. "He touched my butt" he said covering his butt. "He wants it!" Niall said. "Shut up or I'll eat Nandos in front of you!" Louis threatened. "Sorry" he said.

As we discharged Niall, we went home, and he went straight to bed, and the boys ended up playing all his video games.

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