Chapter 4- My best friend love you.

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When Niall left last night, i called Abi over so we could have our weekly sleep over.



I woke up to the sound of 'Gotta be You' as my ring tone.

"Ugghh!" i moved my hand to get my phone and saw a cute picture of Niall with my beanie on sticking out his tongue. i giggled.

"Hello?" i asked.

"Hey love. how are you?" Niall's sweet Irish accent asked.

"tired... what about you sunshine who is up early?" i asked chirping my voice a bit

"well get up cause its 10:30 and the guys and i have the day off so i thought maybe you could meet the guys?" he asked. i was shocked it was 10:30. oh yeah Abi was over last night.

----------------- flashback----------------

"Toy Story!" Abi yelled

"Of course you want to watch toy story" i said getting the DVD out.

after the movie ended Abi and i made popcorn and watched all the Paranormal Activities. Mum was smart and got her and my room sound proofed so when my friends were over she couldn't hear our yelling and screaming.

at 3:30am we fell asleep.

-----------end of flashback------------

"Bella. you there?" Niall asked

"oh yeah sorry. my friend is here.... ca." before i could finish he said "Yeah bring her. it will be funnerer"

"Funnerer? umm okay.... ill call you when we are ready." i said smiling like an idiot

"Don't get dressed up. it will talk too long. hahah and okay see you soon Bella." and he hung up before i could say anything.


"ABI!!!!! ABII!!!! calm down!" i yelled not really calm myself.

"But we are going to see one direction. omg what do i wear. do i go casual, do i go girly, do i go all cool and hipster?" she kept rambling on.

"Shut up! just wear jeans and a shirt and you can borrow my converses!" i yelled throwing my black jeans in her face and my shirt with Buzz Light-year on the front hugging Woody.

i put on my white jeans, my micky mouse shirt and my red toms along with my red beanie. i thought I'd go natural today considering i was so tired. Abi on the other hand put on some eyeliner and mascara. i didn't wanna put a fight with her considering she is stronger than me.

"ready?" i asked grabbing Niall's 'Kiss Me, Im Irish' hoodie.

"Yeah hang on" Abi yelled with her tooth brush hanging out of her mouth.

I thought id call Niall to pick us up since she should be finished soon.




"Hello.. is this the famous Bella?" someone other than Niall asked.

"arrgg have i dialled the wrong number again?!" i asked with frustration.

"Umm no this is Liam, but i got Niall's phone. he is eating" Liam explained

"Oh what a surprise. well when he is eating his god beloved food, can you tell him we are ready. pleeeeaaasssseeeeeeeeeeee" i asked sweetly dragging out the please.

"yeah sure thing love, and 'we'? Niall only told me you were coming?" he asked

"Ohh no i told him my friend is coming, and well you see liam" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Abi yelling right next to me.

"what in the world was that?!" Liam asked

"oh yeah umm my friend is coming. sorry about that she just saw a cockroach. Abi kill it! seriously!" i said covering her.

"haha okay well ill let him know. see you girls soon. bye" and he hung up.


(Did i mention Abi loves Liam Payne. ahahah)

"Yes. no would you cool it, Niall is going to be here soon, so be normal." i explained squeezing her shoulders.

Ding Dong.

"Be normal" i whispered.

As i opened the door 2/5 of one direction were standing at my door. Niall gave me a quick hug and then introduced me to Liam. "Bella this is Liam. Liam this is Bella."

"Nice to meet you in person and not on a video singing and dancing. hahhahaha" he said shaking my hand.

"NIALL!!!!!! why did you send him that video!?" i wined like a 5-year old.

"Cause it was cute" he said winking.

"What ever. Niall and Liam this is my bestest friend in the whole wide world Abi." i said gesturing to them.

"Hi Abi im Liam, and thi.... OMG YOU LIKE TOY STORY!!!! OMG NIALL!!!! SHE LIKES TOY STORY! OMG YOU LIKE TOY STORY!" he yelled and screamed jumping up and down.

"And you told me to be calm when i 'Saw a cockroach' Bella" Abi said using quotation marks at her cockroach remark.

"Oh shut up and yes Liam she L.O.V.E.S Toy Story." i said winking.

Liam turned around and picked up Abi and squeezed her like a rag doll. she looked like her liked it. i mouthed 'Your Welcome' and winked.

"Yeah she kinda likes Liam...." i whispered so softly that the air took it away. Niall just looked at the two and Abi's head was rested on his shoulder while they were hugging.

"Well shall we go? who knows what the others are up to. probably a master prank." he said throwing his hands in the air.

"Oh my gosh, i got a plan."


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