Calls While He's Away On Tour (M.C)

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Calls While He's Away On Tour


You lay in your bed staring at the ceiling. You'd never tell Michael, but you even had the stupid Pokemon blanket he'd gotten you on the bed. It was nice during the nights when you missed him the most. You were waiting, for the clock to tick over to midnight, so you could tell yourself you were one day closer to when he came back from the tour. One more glance at the clock, 11:59 PM. You stared, waiting... Just as the clock changed, your phone rang on the nightstand. You smiled happily at Michael's number blinking on your phone before you answered.

"One day closer, right?" He said happily

"One day closer." You giggled picturing the corny smile filling his face. Just like you'd never confess you liked the blanket, he'd never outright admit just how much of a perfect softie and corn ball he was.

"So what were your twenty four hours like?" He asked.

"I spent the first seven or eight sleeping. Then I went to the day's classes before I got to spend four glorious hours working at the record store. It still makes me smile when people buy your CDs. Then I came home and showered before watching a movie with my microwave meal before crawling into bed." You answered.

"Damn, I get exhausted from our days, but you're make me tired too. I can't believe people buy our album..." He says chuckling.

"So how was your day? Where as the traveling Clifford landed today?"

"Somewhere in New York. We had a radio interview in the morning, played tourist over midday. I wanted to sleep. Then we got to the venue, had sound check, relaxed before the show. Now I'm laying in the bunk missing you and my favorite pillows." He says cheekily

"You mean my boobs, don't you?" You laugh.

"Of course I do, favorite things to play with." He says cheerfully.

"I know... So do anything interesting?" You ask, loving the sound of his voice.

"I called my amazing girlfriend, then I called you." He cracks.

"Oh shut up, Mikey.

"I love you baby, there's no other girl."

"I know, you're lame."

"Shove it... Maybe now I won't come back to see you on the next flight. Maybe I won't shower you with kisses when I see you before dragging you up to our bed..."

"Michael!" You cry out defensively.

"Fine, I can't let that happen for my own sake. I need to see you ASAP, kiss the hell out of you, then we are not leaving the bedroom for a week."

"I love you, you crazy kitten "

"I love you, my little munchkin."

"I hate that pet name."

"And I love it."

"I know... How is everyone?

"Everyone is irrelevant, I'm talking to you."

"Hey! They're my friends."

"So? I'm your boyfriend."

"Jealous much?"

"No. No one else can love you like I can."

"That's true."

"Alright sweetheart, time for you to sleep. I'll be dreaming about you, so dream about me and we can meet up."

"I bet it's a wet dream."

"What can I say?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, and I miss you. I'll be home soon."

"Counting down the days."

"Text you tomorrow."

"Make good decisions."

"I won't."

"Love you, Mikey."

"Love you too, sweet dreams." He said and you hung up sliding the phone to your side table. The ghost of the feeling of laying beside him with his arms around you all over your skin lulling you to sleep.

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