He Hurts You /MUKE/ Part 1

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It was your and Mikey's 2 year anniversary and you were cooking a meal for you and him to celebrate it's was 8 pm and you were expecting him home soon from the recording studio.

-5 hours later-

You were starting to worry and give up so you got up from the couch and started walking to your bedroom when you heard the door open and close you turned around to see a very drunk Michael, "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" you screamed, nearly about to cry from frustration,

"At the studio with the boys then we went to a club god what's your problem Y/N" he snapped back

"What's my problem, my problem is that I have been waiting 5 hours for you to come home on our 2nd anniversary, too have a meal that I have prepared for us, but oh no!, you come back at 1am drunk and you haven't even said happy anniversary so thanks a lot Michael" you said calmly as you walked away not wanting to hear anymore from him.

"I'm sorry, I forgot okay" he spat at you, you carried on walking, "Y/N don't walk away from me, I said sorry for fuck sake", you didn't want to talk to him anymore and so you just ignored him, "LISTEN TO ME Y/N!" a few seconds later you were pulled back and fell and hit your head on the corner of a cabinet, you reached your hand back to feel blood starting to drip.

You felt dizzy Michael came rushing to you, "Y/N omg please forgive me I promise I would never intentionally hurt you please Y/N please" he sobbed into your neck then everything went black.


You were enjoying spending time with your boyfriend luke, who had just got back from tour but was set to leave again next week to tour Europe yet again. You didn't complain about him going off all the time because he was living his dream and you were so proud of him. But you just got upset with how you didn't see him much. Ashton had decided it would be good for everyone to go to a club catch up and have fun. You and Luke wanted to stay home but the boys force you out. It was that evening and you had all set off to the club everything's going great until this cocky guy comes up an takes a good grab of your bum and gave you a wink you turn round straight away and go to slap him but with that move he grabs your wrist and pulls you closer. "Now now little lady don't go doing something you will regret" he said in a smug tone. "Get your hand off of me!" You hissed back. Within seconds luke pushed his way though the crowd and leaped on the guy. "NOBODY TOUCHES MY GIRLFRIEND" he screams "Luke just get of him he's not worth the time" you say while trying to pull Luke off!. Luke on the edge of overly tipsy/drunk he got to his feet and screams "ohh yeah you would like me to stop, you love the attention don't you, you SLUT!" With listening to what was just said you functioned it while taking a few steps back. "Yeah that right walk away" he said with you starting to walk away "you know what Luke, Go fuck yourself I'm going home!. You ran outside the club and jumped in the back of the nearest taxi and made your way home. You arrived home with loads of missed calls from Luke, you still chose to ignore them a couple of hours later he arrive home....

You were laying in bed on your phone trying to forget about what Luke said when you heard the door slam shut, you got of the bed and made your way down the stairs to the living room, where you were met with and angry an drunk Luke "DO YOU THINK ITS OKAY TO WALK AWAY FROM ME" Luke screamed making you slowly back away , to be completely honest you weren't scared of him "what did you expect Luke you called me a slut, when for a fact you know I'm not" you chuckled a little bit knowing that you were right "YOU KNOW IM SICK OF YOU THINKING YOUR RIGHT ALL THE TIME , YOUR A DIRTY WHORE " he whist backing you into a corner "L-Luke we will talk about this tomorrow when your sober and aren't gonna shout at me " you stuttered abit now getting scared "haha no we will talk about this now you slut , I only dated you because I wanted your body and use you for sex " at this point you were fighting to hold back tears you trusted Luke with your virginity an he used it against you "Luke get away fro.." Before you finished your Sentence you felt a fist connect to your Cheek, you feel yourself falling just waiting to hit the hard wooden floor but instead you felt two strong arms catch you an cradle you in your arms realisation hit you, you were in Luke's arms crying in to hi shoulder you felt a tear on you cheek you looked up to see Luke crying his eyes out "Y/N p-please i didn't mean to I s-swear" you tried to reply but instead got up and tried to run away but you couldn't at that moment blackness took over your body..

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