/Helps You Fall Asleep/CASHTON/

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he helps you fall asleep// Ashton and Calum. 


You tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. You minded Aston beside you, watching him as his eyelashes fluttered gently on his cheek. You were so desperately tired, but unable to will yourself to sleep. Too much was on your mind, work things but they were what kept you up at night. You wondered if Ashton would ever get tired of you, especially with his rise to fame. The band was getting bigger, their popularity rising and new fans heard about them everyday. They were taking over countries all over the world, and with that, more pretty girls filed into the arenas to hear them, far prettier then you would ever be. With that, the rumors would start, harsh rumors about your lives that were not true, saying that you had cheated, you were with someone else now, that you were pregnant, eloping, whatever the press could come up with. 

These headlines would run across your mind in the darkest hours of the night, making you scrunch your eyes tight, but no matter how hard you tried, sleep wouldn't come. You sighed, sitting up and resting your back against the cold headboard, staring into the dark room. You pulled your legs up, resting your chin on them as you looked out the window on your side of the room. The night was still, the moon shining brightly outside, the stars shining brightly around it. You glanced at the clock, dreading the numbers that would show you just how late it was. The bright red numbers showed an early three in the morning, making you sigh again. It wasn't like you had anywhere to be in the morning, but it was the fact that a few hours sleep would benefit you greatly. You heard the sheets rustle beside you, glancing over you saw Ashton's hazel eyes staring at you. You smiled faintly at him,

 "Why are you up babe?" You asked.

 He shifted in bed so he was sitting beside you, a yawn escaping his lips. "Because I can tell that you're still awake. What has you up?" You shook your head feeling horrible that he had woken him up.

 "Just a lot on my minds that's all. Go back to sleep Ash, I'm fine." You said, patting his leg.

 He scooted closer to you, pulling you gently so you were pressed against his chest.

 "Your problems are my problems, what's on your mind? You can tell me anything." He said kissing your forehead.

 You sighed, knowing he was right. "I'm just thinking about just us and you. You know the fame and whatnot, the media and the rumors. Its not like they bother me, well a little bit, but its not like I'm extremely upset over them because I know they're not real, but you know, its just aggravating being accused of something that's not even close to being true." You sighed, nuzzling your head into his chest. 

He sighed gently, knowing exactly where you were coming from, instead he ran his hand up your arm in a slow and lazy motion.

 "Tell me what you like." He said simply. 

"You know what I like Ash," You said confused.

 "Tell me all the things you like or love, from the tiniest thing to the biggest, whatever makes you smile or warms your heart." He said, his hand still tracing patterns on your exposed flesh. 

"Well, I like monkeys, hot cups of tea, the way the wind goes through a field, you of course, the band, music, movies, books. Oh god, I love books." You said looking up at him. 

"Keep going." He said smiling.

 "I like poetry, and seeing other people smile, I like the smell of freshly cooked cookies or hot apple pie, I really love food, like really love food, especially pizza. You know that, and I guess I love just walking, I love the cold weather, spontaneous adventures, neck kisses, the refection and glow of the moon light on a cold dark night, sunrises and sunsets..." As you explained what you liked, down to the littlest detail, you could feel your eyes growing heavier and heavier with every word that passed by your lips, whispered into the steadily growing light of the room. As your words began to quiet and the pauses between things got lengthy Ashton slipped himself down, so he was lying on his back, careful not to jostle you as you slid down with him, your head resting on his chest as your soft breath fell across his exposed skin. He smiled, his fingers still trailing up your arm, knowing that trick would get you to fall asleep.


No matter what you couldn't sleep. No position was comfortable, you were suddenly too hot or too cold. It was if your body was doing anything in its power to keep your from falling into the dream state you so craved. You figured it was best that you didn't wake Calum, he needed his rest due to his hectic schedule. You slowly slipped out of your shared bed, your toes touching the cold floor beneath you as a shiver crept up your spine sending goosebumps. Your tank top and small shorts becoming insufficient in the chilled morning air. It was only around four, the early rays of the sun just beginning to creep up over the horizon. You grabbed a sweater from the chair by the door and you crept out, shutting it softly hoping you didn't wake Calum. You walked to your living room, grabbing the big blanket off of the couch, and heading to your favorite place in the entire flat that you shared, the big bay window that out looked the Australian sea. You curled up, leaning your head against the cool pane of glass, watching as the early life fluttered around before the day goers saw anything.

 Birds flew across the multi coloured sky, the waves crashing endlessly on the shore. You closed your eyes for a moment, basking in the silence, and the stillness of the world, until you heard the sound of footsteps come from behind you.

 "What are you doing babe?" You heard a rough voice asked. Your eyes shot open, to see a disheveled Calum standing against the doorway, looking at you with a tired yet amused expression. 

"Can't sleep." You said shrugging and smiling crookedly at him.

 "Why are you up?" You smiled at him.

 "I went to reach for you and you were gone, nearly gave me a heart attack." He said walking towards you. He came up beside you, staring out the window with you. 

"Its nice, you know that." He said.


"The quiet. Just watching the sunrise, its beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as you are." He said putting a hand on your shoulder. You chuckled, leaning your head against his bare stomach, his body projecting heat.

 "Scoot over," He said, motioning for you to get as close as you could to the glass. You obeyed, lifting the corner of the afghan for him, as he slid beside you, his arm wrapping instinctively around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He leaned his head against the wall as you rested your head on his chest, both of you looking out at the rising sun.

 "What are you thinking about?" You asked, breaking the still. 

"Shh, babe. Just listen to the silence, watch the sun and the waves." He said, his voice low and soothing. You did as he asked, the waves becoming hypnotic as the waves kissed the shore with every new ripple. Your eyes drooped slightly, relaxing into Calum's body, the warm light now streaming in creating such a peaceful environment that your eyes refused to keep open. Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep in his arms, a smile playing on his lips as he continued to watch the sunrise and you sleep peacefully, his morning already wonderful.

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