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"Luke" you asked once he picked up the phone. "Hey, (Y/N) is everything alright at home?" He asked "not really, what time do you get home from the studio tonight?" You replied "around 7:30 why what's up? He replied quickly "I'm sort of having terrible cramps" you explained feeling nervous in what he would reply. "Oh right ermmm... How about I cut this studio sesion short an come back now it only quarter too six I'll just make up for it when you feel better" he replied in a jolly voice "no no it's fine I'll cop.... ughhhhh" you can't even finish your sentence because you get a really harsh cramp. "Right thanks it I'll be round in 10 minutes I'm not letting my girl be in pain on her own I'll bring pizza, chocolate and movies see you in a few" he replied "you are the best boyfriend ever, I love you loads see you soon" your mood lit up after hearing him say 'my girl' he sorry returned home with the things he said he would bring an you just cuddled on the sofa for the rest of the night.


You had awoken from a aching pain in your stomach and you knew what it meant: Mother Nature had returned to ruin your life for yet another week this month. You had hoped that you wouldn't get that bad of cramps this month considering the pain of last month you had though your body would let you rest a little bit but ohh no not this month. You got out of bed went to the bathroom did what you had to do then returned back to the bed to try and sleep the pain away, you curled up on your side of the bed in hoping this would help ease the pain, but it wasn't working. "Babe?" You heard Ashton's raspy sexy sleepy voice, you whined in response. "What's happened?" He asked, bringing you closer to him and cuddling you. "Cramps", you muttered back in pain "ahh right" he muttered back, "just try and relax okay babe" he ordered. He then started to massage your stomach with his huge hands while pressing gentle kisses to you neck.


"Hey Hun" Calum's voice sounded on the phone. "Hi cal. Are you on the way home yet or anytime soon? You asked while biting your bottom lip. "Yeah why?", he was curious "can you stop somewhere to but me chocolate please? You asked in a awkward tone. "Is it that time of the month again?" He sighed chuckling. "Maybe" you sighed as well "Bad Cramps again?"' Damn did he know you well "maybe", you replied again. "Just stay in bed, I'll be there with everything you need. Including me for a good cuddle", he said before hanging up. You did have the best boyfriend ever.


"Babe, are you okay?" You heard Michael's voice ask as you walked to the kitchen. "yeah I'm fine why?" You lied. "Cause you're waking weirdly" he responded. "Just a little bit of cramps, that's all" "come here (Y/N)." He ordered. "What?", you faked a smile while making you way to sit down next to him. "Lay down" you did and he said and he covered you with a blanked that was next to him. "Now I'm going to get you chocolate and then we can cuddle you pain finally goes away, alright?" "Yes alright" you replied back now with a huge smile on your face.

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