First Fight (CASHTON/4)

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Your First Fight: Calum And Ashton.


"I wasn't flirting with her (Y/N)!" Ashton yelled, running a hand through his hair in frustration. 

"Really Ashton? Really? Please, you held as close as possible, your hand staying just a little to long on her waist. Hell, the way you were talking and laughing with her basically screamed 'hey I'm single!'" You shouted back. This was your first fight as a couple, and you felt bad about yelling but this was something you couldn't ignore.

 "I was being friendly! I'm not going to reject fans!" He shouted back at you, his cheeks slightly pink from raising his voice. 

"Oh friendly, yeah. That seemed more then friendly Ashton." You said walking away from him to the kitchen, you heard him follow you, clearly this wasn't over. 

"Why are you making a big deal about this? I wasn't flirting with her!" You spun around, suddenly anger flaring through your veins.

 "Because Ashton, that girl was way prettier then I was, way skinnier then I was and hell, probably a better person then I was! And when you talked to her, it was like you forgot you had a freaking girlfriend standing off to the sidelines. Fuck, if you want to flirt with people then maybe you should be single so you can!" You yelled, sharp tears pricking your eyes. You blinked furiously, willing them not to spill over. His expression was dumbfounded and instantly you regretted your words. You didn't want to break up, hell it would kill you, but this was something that was always going to plague your mind. His voice broke the tense air,

 "(Y/N), babe, don't think like that... she was not better then you. I only have eyes for you. Why can't you understand that? You're the only one for me. I was being friendly, that was all. If I was flirting with her then I'm sorry... I really didn't mean it." He apologized, and you could hear the truth in his words. You bit your lip, 

"I know you're sorry... and I'm sorry for blowing that out of proportion but every time I see you talking to a girl, I just think... that they're so much better then me and that you're going to drop me in a second." You revealed, blushing and dropped your head, suddenly enticed with the floor underneath your feet, as your told him your deepest fear. You felt his arms wrap around you, holding him close against you. His hand trailed nimbly up and down your spine, consoling you. 

"(Y/N), please don't think like that. You're the one that stole my heart, there's no way I would leave you. Never, ever, not in a thousand years. I love you so much," He said hugging you tightly. You hugged him back, instantly melting into his arms. 

"I"m sorry..." you said against his chest. "You need to stop thinking that babe, your the only one for me." You snuggled into his chest, your anger forgotten.


You were lying on the couch, watching the hands on the clock tick by. Calum was supposed to be home hours ago, you had texted him and even called him but there was no answer. You couldn't sleep not knowing where he was so you sat on the couch and waited. You were brought out of your own little world when the door was opened. You couldn't see him because of the corner but you heard him curse as his keys hit the floor. You heard the dead bolt click and his shoes fall into the closet, his soft steps padding towards the living room. You looked up to see him stop in his tracks when he saw you on the couch, your bottom lip trembled slightly when you saw his cold hard expression. 

"What are you doing up?" He asked, his usual warm tone was colder. 

"I was waiting for you, where have you been Calum? It's two in the morning!" You said. He walked past you to your bedroom. You got up and followed him, your heart thumping in your chest. 

"Calum what the fuck?" You said standing against the door frame.

 "I was out okay? Is that fine with you?" He bit back. He shrugged off his shirt and threw it in the hamper. 

"I would have appreciated a call or a text saying where you've been," You crossed your arms across your chest. He turned around to you, only wearing his pants now, revealing his tattoo on his collarbone. 

"Do I need to tell you wherever I go now?" He said, meeting your eyes. 

"What the hell has gotten into you lately? Have I said something or done something? What the fuck is up with the attitude?" You said, your voice slowly rising. Before he could respond you drove your point further, 

"you come home late, you never tell me where you are, you barely fucking talk to me now, hell it's like we have our own separate beds. I haven't felt your arms around me in how fucking long? Please Calum," your voice cracked, "tell me what's wrong. What have I done?" Tears pilled from your eyes and you wiped them away furiously. You looked through your bleary eyes to see Calum's face soften. He sat down suddenly on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands.

 "It's not you..." he trailed off, sighing.

 "God, you've put up with so much. I don't know, I'm just really stressed with the new album and the up and coming tour, it's just... I don't know. I'm scared your going to leave me, and now that I think about it you have every right to. I've put you through hell these past few weeks. If you want me to go I can go... I'll go to one of the boys houses." He stood up and grabbed his shirt from the hamper. You hated seeing him like this, and your heart felt heavy. You walked towards him, hugging him tightly, feeling his chest swell against yours. 

"I'm sorry...I'm such an idiot." He sobbed against your shoulder. You rubbed his back in a soothing motion, trailing your fingers up and down the indentation of his spine.

 "Hey, it's alright. Shhh, I've got you. I'm not going to leave you. I love you okay?" You said trying to ease his pain. He nodded his head against your shoulder, holding you closer then he had in weeks. 

(A/N CHRISSI AND I SEE 5SOS A MOTH TODAY!! HOLY FUCK!! p.s sorry for making you out to be bitchy in Ashtons one lol)=

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