He Makes You Feel Insecure

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You walk the red carpet holding tightly to Ashton's hand. "There are so many people here," you murmur in awe. You glance up at Ashton to see him looking around, "Are we almost to the end?" you ask.

You wait for an answer, but Ashton says nothing. "Ashton?" you say, following his eyes to the girl you've seen so often on TV. "I can't believe she's here," Ashton says in awe.

You sigh, looking over at her again and seeing pure perfection. "C'mon!" He says, pulling you along behind him. "Wow she's even more amazing up close," he whispers to himself as you get closer.

"Let's go meet her!" He suggests. "You go ahead," you sigh, "I'm gonna wait over here." "Are you sure?" Ashton asks, "I mean this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." "It's okay, my feet just kinda hurt," you lie. "You're a bad liar," Ashton points out, frowning. "I'm fine," you insist.

"What's wrong?" He presses, looking concerned."Nothing!" You snap, getting annoyed. "Just go meet the girl of your dreams," you add bitterly. "Y/n," Ashton sighs, "You're the girl of my dreams." He steps closer to you, putting a hand under your chin to force you to look at him. "She's just so gorgeous and famous and I'm just so, well, me," you explain, embarrassed.

"But I love you," Ashton says, smiling, "You're beautiful, funny, sweet, genuine and a hundred times better than any other girl, no matter how famous she is." He finishes with a definite nod and you look down, blushing. "I love you, too," you mumble, grinning at him sheepishly. "Good," he says laughing, "Then let's get inside."


"Sorry, Y/n, we're out of room!" Calum says as he sits crammed between Ashton and Luke. You sigh and go to your boyfriend, Michael, on the end, sitting on his lap. "Nooo," Michael whines. "What?" You laugh. "I was comfortable," he sighs.

"Get comfortable again," you recommend. "You're too heavy," he whines. "Oh," you murmur, blushing, "Sorry." You get up quickly and head out of the room to the bedroom, not wanting to let Michael see that what he said hurt you. You're already under the covers and faking sleep when Michael comes in minutes later.

"Y/n?" He whispers from the doorway. "I know you're not really asleep," he adds when you don't answer. "What?" You sigh. "Can I come in?" He asks. He must take your silence as a yes, because seconds later you feel the covers move as he slips in next to you.
"Sorry if I take up too much room, I'm just too heavy," you mutter, turning your back to Michael.

"You know that's not what I meant," Michael sighs. You remain silent, but he continues. "It just came out wrong," he explains. You feel his arms snake around your waist and pull you closer to him. "You know I think you're perfect," he continues, kissing your shoulder lightly. "And you know I love you," he adds, kissing your neck.

"I love you, too," you sigh, rolling around to face Michael. He smiles in relief and pecks your lips, pulling you closer to him.


Calum leans toward you, whispering in your ear and causing you to burst out in laughter, making the other boys glance at you curiously. Calum mutters another joke and you laugh loudly, unable to stop until your abs begin to hurt.

"You have such a strange laugh," Calum chuckles, shaking his head. "I do?" You say, covering your mouth instinctively. "Yeah," he confirms, not looking up from his dinner. He leans over a few minutes later and whispers an inside joke in your ear.

You bite your lip and nod, making sure not to laugh. He sends you a questioning glance but you fake a smile in return. The rest of the meal continues in this fashion, with Calum saying something funny and you fighting the urge to laugh.

Once in the car, Calum sighs, turning toward you. "Are you okay?" He says, biting his lip and glancing at you nervously. "Why wouldn't I be?" You reply with a frown. "I dunno," he mumbles, "Am I not funny anymore?" "Where'd you get that idea?" You ask, not following. "You didn't laugh at any of my jokes," Calum mumbles, embarrassed, "You always laugh at my jokes." "Well, you said I had a weird laugh," you remind him, looking down at your hands.

"Are you kidding?! I love your laugh!" Calum says, shocked that you would think he didn't, "It's my favorite sound in the world, because it's only yours." You smile at him, blushing at his words and giggling a little.

"So tell me," he adds seriously, "Was my joke about the taco funny?" You nod, bursting out laughing and making Calum laugh, too.


"Y/n! We're gonna be late!" Luke calls from the foot of the stairs. You apply a final layer of lip gloss, looking perfect for the award show, and hurry to the stairs in your heels. As soon as you reach the landing you see Luke's jaw drop.

"Hey," you giggle, bumping his shoulder, "We're gonna be late." Luke continues to silently stare at you. "What?" You ask finally, stepping away from him and examining yourself. "What's wrong?" You ask in alarm, "Luke!" "Nothing's wrong," Luke murmurs with a shake of his head, his eyes still trained on you. "Is it too much?" You ask biting your lip in concern.

He shakes his head and you sigh, "Too little?" Again he shakes his head. "Then what?" You ask, crossing your arms over your chest to hide your body.
"You just look so beautiful," Luke explains with a small smile. "Oh," you chuckle,
"You had me worried there." Luke laughs, pulling you in for a quick kiss. "So nothing's wrong?" You ask again, looking down at your dress.

"You look perfect," Luke assures you, taking your hands in his. "It worries me when you stare like that," you explain, laughing, "I'll try not to stare tonight, then," Luke agrees, "But it won't be easy." You laugh again as Luke pulls you in for another kiss.

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