He Teases You

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"You're not gonna leave me this time are you Y/N or maybe I should leave you fully teased and horny but then again what Kind of boyfriend would do that?"

Luke said with his deep voice making you feel pleasure and needy with every word. While lightly touching you're bare body with his fingertips as he stared at you.

You bit down on your Tongue trying not to make a moaning noise, because if you did Luke would know that his teasing was working.

It was working he was driving you crazy but you could keep it in anymore you let out a little moan as he found your sweet spot on your neck,

"Should I stop?" He asked in a teasing tone and your eyes shot open with this sentence and stared right into his eyes.

"Please don't." You whimpered as you felt his fingers dance slowly over your body, up and down everywhere.

You couldn't cope anymore you reached to pull him closer to you, only to have him moe away.

"Uh-uh now Y/N I'm only allowed go do the touching." He smiled down at you as you let out a moan in frustration.


Letting his tongue trail down your stomach he made sure he didn't take his eyes of your face as you laid there with your eyes closed biting down down hard in your bottom lip.

You squirmed around as his tongue inched closer and closer, lower and lower with was making him smile in response.

Just before he reached the destination he brought his tongue back up abandoning the area all together and planting his lips onto yours

"Not cool Hood not cool" you whispered against his lips making him let out a little chuckle.

"Only when I'm ready." he said trailing his fingers down your body until he softly touched your core making you let out a load pleasuring moan into his mouth


"Stop moving." He demanded through gritted teeth as he held down you hips. He grinders his body into yours slowly forcing you to let out a low moan.

You felt his hardened length pressed up against your entrance as he continued to grind into you. You tried bucking your hips upwards towards him, but he used his hands go hold them down firmly into the bed.

He lowered his lips closer to your ear "if you keep doing that, I may just have to get of you, you know I'm a very busy man I have song to record" he whispered in a tugged voice

"Oh stop teasing and fuck me already mike" you said fed up of his teasing. Michael then made up for all the teasing and it was one of the best experiences on your life.


You were sat down on the sofa with ashton and the other boys when Ashton though it would be funny to turn you on.

You were both curled up on the sofa when Ashton started to draw little circles up and down your leg you found it really relaxing until he starts to work up you thigh,

that's when shit got serious he would slowly work up your leg the to your thigh getting a little inch closer to your groin each time

None if the other boys paid attention to what you were doing because you both were under a cover. To make this 'joke' even better he started to whisper dirty things in your ear making you horny.

Every word and ever circle was making you want him inside you more and more.

You then jumped out of the seat making the other boys jump a little and said you had go back home urgently you gave the boys really quick hugs and grabbed Ashton's hand and left in a hurry.

You only lived down the road so it wasn't a long walk back, as soon a you opened the door you chucked your bag down and ashton pressed you again the wall kissing you roughly.

You go to take him up the stair to your bedroom but his hand slips out of yours and he walks to the kitchen

"Ashton where are you going?" you asks with frustration in your voice.

"Oh I'm just going to make dinner why?"

He said with a smirk.

"Are you serious, is this some kind of joke?" You now pissed off and horny now a good mix even though Ashton found it very attractive you like this.

"What do you mean" he said knowing full well what he's done.

"You can't just do this to me" you answered back frustrated.

"Maybe this is karma for teasing me at that party last week or maybe it's not, maybe I'm not doing anything but you are just too horny to realise that" he said smirking.

"You are such a fucking tease" you said pulling ashton into your brace.

"Have you learnt your lesson" he said lifting your head pulling you in for a kiss.

"Yes I'll never tease you again" you puckered your lips as you went to kiss you.

But still thinking it's a game he pulled away

"Good" he replied while turning around to make dinner.

You just walked out the room frustrated but let's say he made up for it later that night. ;)

A/N I hope these are okay, feel free to request any -Ellie xox

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