You're Insecure About A Body Part (MALUM)

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You got up early that morning to get ready. You were meeting all of Calum's old friends from Sydney today and you needed to look presentable. You had cleaned the whole house the night before and all you had to do today was get ready, cook everything, and keep the whole house clean. Not that hard, right? You start slathering on makeup and you realize that you put too much on and now it won't blend into your skin.

You start wiping parts off with a tissue before putting more on. It still won't blend so you put powder on to cover it. You then put blush on and smile at yourself in the mirror. Sure you don't look completely like your normal self, but you had just broken out and you hated how acne always covered your face.

You put on eyeliner and mascara and sigh at how not yourself you looked. You shrug and start messing with your hair when you hear a sigh that isn't yours. You turn to face the door to the bedroom and see Calum standing there.

"Why'd you put so much on?" he innocently asks, trying not to start anything, but knowing exactly what the problem is.

"What do you mean?" you ask, trying to put all the makeup away in a drawer as quickly as possible.

"You never wear that much makeup. Why are you putting so much on?"

"It's not a big deal Cal, I'm fine." you fake smile.

"Babe. Take it off. I know you hate wearing a lot of makeup."

"Calum. I'm okay."

"Babe, don't lie to me. I watched you put it on and how sad you looked. Please don't think you need to impress anyone. You're literal perfection in my eyes and I don't know why you can't see that yourself. If you're trying to put on a show for my old friends, don't. You are so beautiful just the way you are, and no I'm not going to stop you from wearing what you want to wear, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable. I want you to be the smiling happy y/n that I know. And I know that you aren't happy with all that makeup on."


You start trying on a shitload of clothes to go down to the beach in. You know that it took a lot of convincing for Michael to even agree to go to the beach, so you wanted to look your best.

You put on your favorite swimsuit immediately, but you had a really hard time deciding what to wear as a cover up. You tried on like seven different tank tops, but didn't like the way your arms looked in them. Sure, you didn't usually lift a lot of weights, but your arms had never really been the center of your attention in the insecurity line.

It was usually a giant pimple or a bloated stomach that got your attention. But today, your arms were not looking as good as you thought they were. You put on a tee shirt, but the sleeves were squeezing your arms, making them look even bigger. You sigh and lay down on the bed.

Your head reaches the other side and looks upside down at a pile of dirty clothes when you see a light sweatshirt. You reach for it and slip it on over your head.

You immediately feel sweat pouring out of you, but you don't care. It covers your arms and that's all that matters. You open the bedroom door to see Michael laying on the couch.

He sits up when he sees you and stops for a moment to look at you.
"Ready?" you say after a few moments of silence.
"Why are you wearing a jacket?"

You shrug your shoulders and try to walk past him. He stops you with his hand in yours and pulls you to stand in front of him.

"You're going to sweat to death." he points out.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious, let's go."

"If you know you're going to sweat to death, then why don't you change?"

"I just like this sweatshirt, Michael. It looks good on me."

"You're right, it does, but I could hear you sighing pretty loudly even with the door closed."

"Your point being?"

"If your insecure about something just tell me. I want to prove to you that you're wrong."

"My arms just look weird today, okay, just stop pestering me about it."

"Lemme see them."

"No Michael that's weird-"

"Let me see them." he cuts you off, pulling you closer and taking the sweatshirt off.

"You look beautiful." he smiles

"You only say that because you have to."

"What do you mean have to? I'm your boyfriend by choice. And I chose to be with you and only you. I have to say that for one reason and one reason only, because it's true."

You roll your eyes and sit down next to him to try and grab the sweatshirt.

"I won't give it back to you until you say you're beautiful."

"You're beautiful." you smile, tilting your head to the side.

"You know what I meant."

You roll your eyes and mumble, "I'm beautiful."

"Sorry, what was that? Couldn't hear you." he tries not to smile.

"I'm beautiful." you say a little louder.

"Sorry I'm a little deaf, say it one more time louder." he cracks a smile.

"I'M BEAUTIFUL NOW GIVE ME THE DAMN JACKET." you yell, putting your arm out for the jacket.

"Love you," he smiles.

"Love you too," you say, leaning towards him as if you're going for a kiss, then grabbing the jacket away.

"You're not going to wear that." he sighs.

You roll your eyes and grab a flannel from his drawer and put it on.

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