Rainy Days (MUKE/4)

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Rainy Days: Michael And Luke.


You slid back into the bed with your boyfriend Michael, sipping from the bottle of Coke you'd gotten and handing him a red bull. He was on his DS buried in the sheets. He'd barely moved the whole day but you didn't mind. You both honestly enjoyed doing nothing together. Just as you set the sprite down the table you heard his DS close in the quiet room. You glance over and feel his arms wrapping around your body pulling you to him kissing your shoulder softly.

"Can we cuddle now?" You ask since he'd rejected it earlier to win a Pokemon battle.

"Hmm... I didn't mean to reject you earlier... I just..." He said softly in the dimly lit room.

"Video game battles are important." You say resting closer to him.

"I'm sorry." He sighs he mouth against the skin of your shoulder. You shrug lightly. His fingers glide over your skin under your shirt just enough to tickle and make you giggle. The second the sound escapes your mouth, you know you're in for it. His fingers move with a purpose and you become a laughing flailing mess just attempting to get far enough away to ease the feeling.

"Damn it! Stop! Michael!" You cry kicking your legs. He stops the second he pins your body to his kissing your cheek.

"I am king at making you laugh." He says triumphantly.

"You are ridiculous." You laugh.

"Come on, kiss-kiss." He said
puckering up. You peck him before giggling.

"There, a kiss."

"That is not enough!" He pouts.

"You want more? You're gonna have to get it yourself." You say laughing. He leans in and kisses you gently. It's a while before either of you pull away. You lay beside each other, cuddled up.

"Hmm, it really sucks having to cuddle the guys on tour..." He mumbles resting his cheek against your head.

"Hahaha, I love seeing the pictures though." You laugh. He just pouts.
"But cuddling you is better." He sighs.

"Plus you have boobs..." He says poking your cheek.

"Aww... you miss me." You tease.

"'Course I do... I love you."

"I love you, too."

"You are my favorite cuddle buddy and I am the only one who can cuddle you."

"The only one? I think we should practice then... If I'll be cuddling you for the rest of my life." You giggling.

"That sounds like a very good plan." He said kissing your jaw.

"I like being with you..." You whisper as you lay side by side.

"I love being with you..." He said.


"Don't say you're worried about when I go on tour, just don't..."


"Because I can't even think about much being away from will and has sucked while on tour."


"I'll be home before you know it, I always am." He says. And you talk until sleep carries you to the land of dreams.


"Alright baby, here's the tea. I called my mum for her secret ingredient and everything. She gave it the Hemmings guarantee to cure a cold." Luke said handing you a fresh mug. You weren't completely sick, just crappy, with a slight fever, sore throat, runny and stuffed up nose and general sick feelings. You just weren't completely sick, you were mostly sick. And you must have explained that to Luke a thousand times, even if he kept playing nurse.

"What's the secret ingredient?" You ask through your congestion.

"It's a Hemmings secret ingredient, you have to become a Hemmings first." He laughed getting back into the bed with you. He'd barely let you get up all day. First it was to pee, then to shower followed by him attempting to dry your hair with a towel before you made him stop trying, otherwise he'd done everything, insisting that you didn't move. He'd brought you your laptop, a stack of movies he knew you liked, two boxes of tissues, cough drops, soup, tea, grilled cheese, blankets, pillows, books, magazines. You had a whole stock pile on and off your bed.

"Are you proposing?" You sniff.

"You will know when I am proposing, sweetheart." He said. He moves to hold you against his chest but you elbow him away.

"Luke, you have your tour in two weeks. I don't want you getting sick. In fact, you can't get sick."

"For god's sake, you're sick, your family is across an ocean and you don't have roommates. I'm the only one who can even possibly take care of you. So shut up about me getting sick." He said for probably the thousandth time.

"You live your dream on a stage, singing. Do not get sick!" You say again, talking loud enough that it made you cough. Luke rubbed your back taking the opportunity to pull you closer.

"Are you ok?" He asks after a while.

"I'm tired, but I'm fine." You mumble accepting him comforting you. You snuggle closer to him.

"You can go ahead and sleep..." He said brushing aside your hair.

"No, no, I only get time with you like grand total a month... I already ruining it by being sick, I can't ruin it by being asleep as well..." You said defiantly.

"Baby... If you're sick and tired, you sleep. I'm right here if you need something. Just rest. I'll put on another Harry Potter movie for you." He said sliding out of the bed and going to the TV and putting in a new DVD. You sip more of the sweet and warm drink.

"Tell Liz I love her tea." You say and he nods laughing.

"Today wasn't so bad you know." He said getting back into the bed. He lifted up your shoulders before setting you back laying on his chest.

"I know, I looked so glamorous the whole day." You reply with a snort.

"But it was nice like taking care of you... Hell, you've managed to take care of the four of us on tour for a while..." He said running his fingers up and down your arm.

"Hmm... Don't spoil me..."

"But I want to." He says hooking his fingers around your chin. You feel his lips pushing into yours softly.
"Luke... You're gonna get sick..." You say as he pulls away.

"Then you better be ready to take care of me as long as I ask you to." He said with a smile.

"Thanks for today..." You sigh handing him the empty mug. As he sets it on the table, you wrap your arms around his torso.

"Anytime sweetheart." He says kissing the top of your head. You almost prefer the empty days with Luke, since while you're not out in the world, you know he's only yours.

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