/Helps You Fall Asleep/Luke/

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Luke helps you fall asleep :)


It seemed to be a pattern now, when Luke wasn't home you couldn't sleep. He was obviously at the studio, staying extra late to finish the album that had been postponed due to a bit of a bump in the road with producing. You weren't worried about him but it was the absence of him in bed with you, his body beside you, his warmth, his touch, the soft sound of his breathing reminding you that he was right beside you. When he came home you would pretend to be asleep so he wouldn't worry about you being awake and feeling bad for you waiting for him to return; he already had so much to worry about. But it was when he had finally fallen asleep did your roll over and and admire his peaceful features. The bags under his eyes less bold now that his lashes covered them, the stress from his shoulders and jaws dissipating as he clawed at you in his slumber, his body needing some contact with you.

 Tonight was different though, the bed felt different, the room uninviting suddenly an unwanted atmosphere. You rolled out of bed, your feet pattering to the dark living room. You flicked on the lamp on the end table, as you curled up on the couch with a blanket, wondering if this would help your situation. You had been lying there for maybe half an hour or forty five minutes, when you heard the lock click and the front door open. You could hear him kick off his shoes, hang up his jacket and walk to the living room. He gasped slightly as you opened your eyes to see Luke looking at you, a hand on his chest.

 "You scared the crap outta me (Y/N)." He said. You smiled weakly up at him. 

"Sorry, I didn't even think about how that would look." He smiled anyways at you, coming to sit down beside you. 

"Why are you up? Its late." He said pulling you against his chest, immediately you snuggled into him, relishing the feeling of his body. 

"Couldn't sleep that's all." You said. 

"This isn't the first night." He stated gently, you flinched.

 "How did you know?" You asked timidly.

 "Because I can tell when you're actually asleep and when you're not. Your breathing is different. Wow, that didn't sound creepy at all." He said laughing slightly.

 You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips. "I just miss you sometimes, the bed feels empty without you. Now its my turn to sound clingy." You said, wincing at your words.

 "I know how you feel, I hate not going to be together. Just a few more weeks, we're really close to being done. After that, I'll be all yours." He said, easing your nerves. "Lets go to bed together anyways tonight, seeing as you're up." He said chuckling, kissing the crown of his head. He stood up, pulling you along with him, you groaned in protest, a chuckle echoing around you. You slowly walked to your bedroom, Luke tossing his clothes in the corner as you rolled back into your side, waiting on your side for him. He walked over in nothing but his boxers and peeled back the sheets, sliding in and his hands immediately gripped your hips pulling you close.

 "This is what I love," He breathed into the still bedroom. You snuggled into his chest, humming in agreement as sleep overtook you both within a seconds, both completely exhausted but feeling better as you both were in each others arms.

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