Ashton Imagine

389 6 2

Arguing gets physical

You sat on the couch, the slippery magazine cover slipping off of you finger tips. Surprisingly you didn't rip it to shreds. You stood up off the couch, as you began to pace the room.

The magazine cover screamed in bright yellow block letters "Ashton Irwin: Caught!" You felt tears pricking your eyes as you looked at the tabloid, the girl with Ashton much prettier than you.

You kept pacing, knowing Ashton would be home soon. He said he had gone out with the boys. But what if he wasn't doing that? What if he was instead going out with this girl?

You finally heard the lock click, and you heard Ashton yell "See you later guys!" He walked in and you heard him shut the door before he called

"Y/N Babe, I'm back home!"

You didn't reply, and sat back down on the couch, feeling the tears well up in your eyes. What if wasn't true? The rumours? But then again, what if they were?

"Babe?" Ashton called again, a hint of worry in his voice. He walked into the living room, seeing you on the couch. "Y/N Is something wrong?" Ashton cooed before you snapped completely.

"Is there something wrong? I don't know Ash, maybe there is. But clearly you're happy with THIS girl!!" you said, shoving the magazine cover in his face.

"Babe...." Ash said, scanning through the cover, and through the article "Don't you 'Babe' me What do you have to say for yourself?!"

"Y/N, it's not what it seems...."

"Oh really? Please Ashton, explain yourself!" you said, getting more and more pissed by the second.

"You really think I would cheat on you? You think I would put you through that?" Ash said, gritting his teeth.

"So who is this girl huh?" you snapped and Ashton came and said

"You're making a big deal out of nothing! She's just a friend!"

"A 'friend'?! Are you sure it's not a friend with benefits!?" you screamed at him, before you felt a slap come upon your face.

Your mouth dropped in shock, as you held the right side of your face. You looked up at Ash who realized what he had done. "Oh my god babe...." he said coming closer to you, and you retreated farther, before running to your shared bedroom, and locking the door to the bathroom.

You ran to the sink, gripping the sides, looking into the mirror. Your right side had turned into a red mark, and your eyes were red and puffy, tear stains on your cheeks.

You sighed, putting a cool wet cloth to the right side, pressing it there gently, before finally washing your face completely. You then, once felt ready, you stepped out, seeing Ashton sitting on the edge of the bed, head in his hands.

He immediately saw your state and said "Y/N, that girl, she was a friend, I can prove it, we were just going for a coffee run, the boys can root for me, I promise I would never cheat on you, and I'm sorry that I slapped you, can you EVER forgive me?" Ashton said in one string of breath rapidly.

You went over and gave him a kiss and said "Yes. Just promise you won't ever do any of that ever again." Ashton nodded and said "promise"

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