17: Do not Confront them with their 'Passed Gas'

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*Your at the dinner table doing your homework, your mom watching t.v.*

Mom: Hahaha! She is such a comedy! Hahaha!


You: O.O

You: Mom...?

Mom: Haha.. Yes honey.. Haha!

You: Mom... That was disgusting!

Mom: What was honey?

You: You know.. that.. gas... yuck..

Mom: Excuse me? I have not done such a thing!

You: What? I HEARD it all the way in the kitchen.

Mom: All my life I've taught you not to lie. Now you lie to my face?

You: Mom no... you really did!

Mom: Up to up to your room. NOW!

You: But no-

Mom: Not a word. Or I will take all the gas out of YOU.

You: ):

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