33: Don't Brush Your Teeth With Sugar

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*It's the night before the dentist appointment*

You: There. 2 more teaspoons should do...

*You keep on piling up sugar on your teeth*

You: Beautiful. Now is a nice white!

*Next morning, dentist office*

Dentist: It appears your daughter has too much sugary items in her system, causing her teeth decaying/having cavities!

Mom: What? Impossible! I make sure all food items have 2g's or less unless if it was....

*Her eyes glaze over to you*

Mom: Unless if it was the trail of sugar I found on the counter yesterday!

You: Oh. That. Heh...

Mom: Oh you're so de-

*Dentist stares at her.*

Mom: Oh. Heh. You're so.. dentist.

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