30: Don't Lock Your Siblings in the Basement!

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*Your parents are going out for dinner.*

Mom: Remember, I have fish fingers in the microwave!

You: Okay bye!

*Your parents leave*

Sister: Can you play hide and seek with us?

You: Suree... ;)

Brother and sister: O.o

You: I'll count, you both hide!

Brother and sister: Okay...

*You start counting, and you know they went for the basement.*

You: Oh... where are they? Not in the basement?

*You lock the basement, hearing your siblings pounding on it*

You: Oh, what's that sound? :)

*Six hours later*

Mom: Where are your sister and brother?

You: No idea... :)


Dad: What's that pounding sound?

Mom: Did you lock wild animals in there AGAIN?

You:  Uh...yep. Two of them, to be accurate!

You: And the wild animals swallowed the key in their animal food! ( @GeekyMeerkat2602's idea lool)

Dad: You locked your brother and sister in there?!?

You: Heh. Yeah.

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