31: Don't Forget To Take the Plastic Off the Turkey!

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*Your having Thanksgiving dinner at your grandparents house, and you're making the turkey*

Grandma: Oh, she finally finished it!

*You come carrying the turkey*

Grandpa: Gee, it's shiny..!

You: Yeah, for some reason, I couldn't stuff or season it!

*Everyone takes a bite*

Grandma: Why, isn't it rather... plastic?

You: Ohh that's why I couldn't season it... it still had plastic over it... heh..

*Everyone spits it out*

Grandma: Does anyone want some salad...

Grandpa: As long as it doesn't have plastic on it!


Happy Thanksgiving to EVERYONE around the world :)

As you may have guessed, this has happened to me lool

It was an accident! c:

I was in a hurry, because Gran was too tired to cook it, Mom and Dad had their own problems, so I decided I would help.

And I'll tell you this- It tasted terrible! This Thanksgiving, I'll make sure I take off the plastic off, considering if I have to cook it.

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