32: Don't try to Make an Indoor Pool

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*It's flaming hot, and your A/C is bringing out hot air.*

You: I'm going to take a cold bath...

*You lock the bathroom door, and open up the sink and bath tub water*

You: Perfect. Now I have a indoor pool!

*The water is at your ankles now*


Mom: You're taking awfully long honey!

You: Uh.. Yeah! I'm cleaning myself REALLY good...

*Water is at your knees*

Mom: How come I hear the sink is on?

You: Oh um... washing my face?

Mom: I'm busting in!

You: Noo!

Mom: One- two-three!


Mom: What is this?

*The water attacks her full blast*

You: Oh look... your wet... heh... bath time?


You all know I did this xDD

I was younger though, and the A/C HATED me!

And you can basically guess what our insurance company said xD

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