44: Don't Push The A/C out of the Window!

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*There are annoying kids in your yards, and your watching them from your window*

You: Get lost kids!

Kids: Hah! Your at your window! You can't do anything to us!

You: You sure about that? Come under my window then!

Kids: Okay then!

*Your kids stand under your window, directly UNDER the A/C box*

You: Haha!

*You push the A/C box out of the window, with great difficulty*

Kids: Mrhh!! Mrfhhhh!

You: That's right! I can do something about it!

*Your mom comes rushing into your room*

Mom: Did you hear that crash?

You: Nope :)

*Your mom sees the A/C box place is empty*

Mom: Wha-.. wait! It was YOU!

You: Oh, heh, about that..... science experiment?

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