39: Don't Accuse them Of Being Stalkers

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*Your hanging out with this guy from school, at the park*

Boy: So... I gotta go to practice. You wanna hang out later?

You: Sure...

*You guys SLOWLY lean in to kiss and-*


*You mom jumps out of a bush, with radar location thingies on her head*

Boy: I guess.... I'll see you later? O.o

*The boy jumps away from your creepy mom*

You: Moom! Why did you have to ruin that! He was going to KISS me!

Mom: Like I said, only I give kisses to baeee!

You: Please don't be a stalker!

Mom: I have EVERY right to be a stalker! ;)

You: Lets see what the local police station has to say about that.

Mom: What?

You: Nothing mom :)


This happened to me last week :(

You guys know I'm not all romance type (single forever club) but...

He was cute. And single. And cute. And may I add, VERY CUTE!

All he did was touch my arm slightly when he was going away and my mom JUMPED out of the bushes and said:


That's when I realized my life was messed up. Believe it or not, my mom had that Tracker gear on her  head, with the little radars. WHERE she got it, I don't even want to know.

Then the poor guy looked at me, then her, then started to run. And then tripped over some woman's baby.  Like, WHO TRIPS OVER A BABY?! And the baby started to laugh. You know what, I'm donee. Why am I even ranting? Or is it considered ranting?

Okay anyways, G-night people (If it's nighttime for you) ^-^

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