24: Do not let others Carpool with you

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* Your waiting for your mom to pick you up with your friends from volleyball/ soccer practice.*

Friend: I'm hungry!

Friend #2: Me too!

Rest of friends: Us too!

You: I'm pretty sure my mom has Gatorade or something...

*15 minutes later, your mom arrives in her carpool van.*

Mom: Hop in kids! I've got the A/C running and I've got cold drinks.

Friends: Hey, thanks Mrs.____!

Mom: Welcome. I brought you all nice cold milkshakes

*Your friends, being inappropriate,  start giggling.*

You: Ew mom what is this?

Mom: It's rice milk!

*All of your friends immediately start spitting it out


Mom: Girls, Girls, what does that song say about milkshakes bringing boys to the yard?

Friends: Hee hee!

Mom: *sings* All my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, rice milk, it brings the boys to the yard, rice milk...

You: No mom please don't!

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