27: Do not Admit To Selling Candy

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*Your in your bedroom, selling candy*

You: Next!

Random kid: I'd like 4 packets of skittles

You: That's 20 bucks.

Random Kid: What? I can go to Big Lots and get it for 50 cents!

You: You want them or not?

Random Kid: I..I'll buy it.

You: Next.

*Mom comes up the stairs.*

Mom: What is this?

All of the kids: Buying candy.

You: Math project assignment?

Mom: That's why your math teacher called and said there isn't a project for about 2 more months?

Random kid: Salty!

You: Shut it kid, unless if you want your candy to be salt!



I actually did this once xD

I bought like 20 bars of Hershey's, all for $10 bucks.

I sold a bar 6 bucks EACH!

And I sold ALL 20 bars!

So my mom decided trusting me with money was bad. I hid my money under my pillow that night. And when I woke up smiling, and when I noticed that ALL of the money that I worked hard for was gone! So  you can basically imagine my face When I noticed all of my money wasn't under the pillow

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