98:Dont give them a One Dollar Bill!

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Congrats @neongreen1021! Your in 3rd Place! I really liked yours, not only because I can relate, but I like the idea and craziness itself .

You: Mom! Mom! I got Christmas money in the mail!

Mom: How much?

You: Eleven dollars.

* Your mom freaks out.*

Mom: What, do you have a one dollar bill?

You: Yeah...

Mom: One dollar bills are for the illuminati. We have to burn it before it possesses everyone in the house!

*Your mom goes to the fireplace and burns it.*

You: Mom!

Mom:  Do you want to be possessed?

You: No.


You: Merry Christmas!

* You hand everyone one dollar.*

Mom: WHAT!!!

*They rush to the fire place.*

Dad:  Why would you give us illuminati money?

You: It was all I had.

Mom: Liar, she wanted us possessed! Your grounded!

You: But it's Christmas!

Mom: You won't  to live to see another Christmas you don't go to your room right now!

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