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As most of you know, I have written one other Grey's fan fiction, a MerDer, that I just recently wrapped up. I hope if you read the MerDer, you loved it enough to continue reading my greys anatomy fan fics.

If you haven't read the MerDer, don't worry. This isn't a sequel or a prequel or anything like that. It's just a book. But seriously, go check out the MerDer if you haven't. It's called Remember For Me and a decent amount of people enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing it.

So! This is the long awaited crowen fic I've been DYING to write! And I hope you all are dying to read it!

Some things about this fic you need to know:

-there was no plane crash (partially because this takes place in season seven) but there will be no plane crash

-this takes place in season seven (duh I already said that)

- Lexie and Mark are together. Idc I ship Slexie and it was heart breaking to not be able to write them into my other fic.

- Jo and Alex are engaged and Jo is still an intern. She was just in Lexie's year instead of Ross's and Stephanie's and Leah's.

-Burke will make an appearance, but he was divorced. Still has two kids but he's divorced.

-teddy will be in this. I love her too much.

And.....that's it!

Thanks so much for reading!!! Vote and comment!!!!


Ps: in case any one finds any part of this offensive or believes I am against abortion, I would like to clear the air and say I am pro-choice. It's a woman's body and what she does frankly isn't anyone else's decision. But if you're reading this and are pro-life, I got nothing against you darlings. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I do not judge or mock or believe I'm always right. I would also appreciate it if no one commented saying their opinion is right, and all that shit. Just read the story and enjoy please!!!

Thanks for reading lovelies!


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