Chapter thirty:

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Another life,
Another soul,
Another body,
To grow old

Christina's POV:

"It's a girl!" the doctor told us, as she held up our little squirmy and screaming alien-looking baby. She was pink faced with a head of dark brown curls, and I swear to god I have never been more in love.

"Seven pounds, eight ounces, twenty one inches long!" the nurse tells us, as she places the baby on my chest. She isn't wrapped up yet, she's got nothing on, and she's perhaps the weirdest looking creature I have ever seen. She's all pink and her face is scrunched up from crying, her little nose is wrinkled up and her feet are kicking aimlessly. She is so odd looking, but so beautiful. She is perhaps the most gorgeous little thing I have ever laid eyes on. I feel my eyes tear up, and I really don't care.

I made her, I created her. She was mine, she was made up half of my genetics. She was in my stomach for forty one weeks and three days, she was a part of me for all that time. I felt her little kicks and rolls and flutters, I felt it all.

I pat her back gently "Shh it's okay baby girl, it's alright" I coo, as I cradle her gently. I'm almost afraid I'll break her because she's so small and so delicate looking.

"Do we have a name?" the nurse asks, smiling.

"You go ahead" Owen says, as he looks at me. He's so in love with our little daughter, I can tell he's trying so hard not to cry. He's looking at her like she hung the stars in the sky, even though she's less than five minutes old.

Smiling, I look down at her little face. She's still unhappy, I know, because even though she isn't screaming, she's whining and kicking all around, her little face still scrunched up.

I take one of her tiny little feet in between my thumb and pointer finger. Gently, I stroke the tiny foot that's been kicking me for months on end. I think back to these tiny feet, and how much tinier they must have been the first time I felt her kick.

I remember the little flutter, I doubt I will ever forget that moment. I remember feeling it and being so overjoyed and happy. I remember placing both hands firmly on my bump, waiting expectantly to feel another. I remember calling Owen and then throwing out the white tank-top I was wearing, because the front was stained with scarlet blood hand prints from where I slipped and cut my hand.

That day was probably the happiest day of my whole pregnancy, the day when I really realized I was growing a human, that I was going to have a baby.

"Scarlet" I smile, as the nurse gently takes her from me to clean her up.

"That's a lovely name" the nurse compliments "Welcome to the world, Little Scarlet"


Scarlet Lola Hunt was born at 6:22 am on December 21st, 2011. She was seven pounds, eight ounces and twenty one inches long. She had a head of my curls, she had my pale, porcelain skin, my chin and my nose.

But she had Owen's bright blue eyes.

"She looks exactly like you!" Meredith exclaimed, looking down into my arms at the tiny little human that was my daughter.

I smile "She's got my everything, but she has Owen's eyes"

"Aww cue baby fever!" Arizona and Callie cooed together as Scarlet opened her little eyes and blinked lazily. So far she was a pretty mild baby. She hadn't cried yet, and she was pretty laid back. Then again, she was only four hours old.

"When you two have your second, Scarlet and Evie will have a little friend" I comment, gently stroking Scarlet's tiny little fingers. Everything about her seemed so unreal and so miniature that I almost thought all of this wasn't real. But it was, I had a gorgeous little baby to show for it.

"How are you spelling her name?" Lexie asked me "are you spelling it SCARLETTE or SCARLETT or SCARLET?"

I suppose that was a pretty good question, considering there are more than one ways to spell her name. "Just SCARLET, no unnecessary T's or E's"

"That's cute. It'll be good for her when she goes into preschool and has a few less letters" Lexie jokes.

"She'll be smart, she won't have a problem with spelling, especially if she's got Yang's brain" Alex walked in through the door carrying coffee for everyone, with Jo right behind him carrying a little baby-themed gift bag.

"Thank-you, Evil Spawn. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me"

"I don't plan on making it a habit"

Jo playfully elbowed Alex and passed me the gift bag. "I just had to get it when I saw it, open it!" She urged, gently taking the baby from my (reluctant) arms. Even though she had only left my arms long enough for Owen and Meredith to hold her so far, I still hated to see her go (even though she was only three feet away from me).

"You seriously didn't have to get anything" I say "I had a baby shower" I'm prepping myself for something pink and fluffy with bows or some weird thing, but I'm surprised when I take out the tissue paper and see baby blue.

Raising an eyebrow, I take the present out of the bag and chuckle.

"What is it?" Meredith asks, as Jo passes my kid around like a football (Callie currently has her)

I turn it around and smile.

The present was a pair of baby-sized blue scrubs that said 'Dr in training'.

A/N- YAYYYY Scarlet Lola Hunt is officially here! I was so happy writing this chapter, it was unreal. It seemed like it took FOREVER to get to this point.

I dont know how many chapters this book has left, but I can assure you that the sequel will be out by the time the last chapter of this book goes up!





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