Chapter thirty three:

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Who do you think you are,

Running around leaving scars,

Collecting your jar of hearts,

Tearing love apart.

Your gonna catch a cold,

From the ice inside your soul.

Christina's POV:

About two weeks after Christmas, everyone was gathered at Owen and I's house. The girls, anyway. Mark, Derek, Jackson and Alex were at Mark and Lexie's apartment assembling all the nursery furniture. Lexie couldn't see her feet at this point, and wanted to help, but was basically sidelined at this point. She was about six or so weeks away from her due date, so there wasn't long now until Evie made her grand entrance.

"I swear to god, if she doesn't go to sleep I'm gonna cry along with her" I complain, as I sit down on the couch with Meredith, Callie, Arizona, Lexie, Jo and April. It was girls night, kids or no kids, even though right now all the kids were with us.

"The first few weeks are tough" Callie told me "it'll get better"

"Sofia was in the NICU the first few weeks of her life" I tell Callie "and Zola was six months old by the time Meredith got her. Literally no one here has any experience with new babies except for me and soon to be Lexie" I grumble.

Meredith shrugs "I'm cool with that"

"Who's Izzie?" Jo abruptly asks.

We all look at her, not speaking. Everyone here knew Lexie except for Jo, but Meredith and I knew her the best. Jo did her internship at Seattle Pres, and transferred for her residency AFTER Izzie was fired and divorced from Alex.

"Izzie" I repeat "been a while since someone asked about her"

"Who is she?" Jo asked again "I know Alex was married to her, I'm not an idiot, but he doesn't like to talk about her and no one else seems to either"

Meredith shot me a 'What do we say?' look and I just shrugged and sent her a 'This is gonna be something' look.

"Stop exchanging those looks, and tell me" Jo prodded.

"Why do you want to know?" Meredith countered.

Jo sighs loudly "Jesus, you two are impossible. She called the other day asking for Alex when he was out, I didn't know who she was and she obviously didn't know who I was"

"She was in our intern year" Meredith says "she lived with us, she was a good friend"

"She was diagnosed with cancer when we started our residency, she had no chance of living" I explain "she and Alex got married, a hail Mary since Izzie wasn't making it out of the hospital, or so we thought"

"She lived, though" Meredith picks up "she and Alex were together for a while after, but when the merge with Mercy West happened she got fired for almost killing a patient. She freaked out, left, and when she came back she couldn't get a job anywhere as a surgeon. She and Alex had a falling out over everything"

"She left for good, and sent him divorce papers a few weeks later" I finish "no one's seen her since"

Everyone is silent for what feels like forever.

"Why would she be calling him, then?" Jo asks.

I shrug "Izzie was always a wild card, never knew what she was gonna pull next. She was once engaged to her patient and then he died"

"Jesus" Jo mutters "okay then, weird"

"Did you tell Alex she called?" Arizona asks.

Jo nods "I felt like if I didn't, it would practically be lying to his face"

"What'd he say?"

"Nothing" she sighs "he said she wasn't a big deal and that he wasn't going to call her back"

"Don't stress" Arizona smiles "I mean, look. We've all got great lives and good things going. It's a good life, Jo"

Jo nods "I guess it is" she smiles "yeah it really is. Come to think of it, I actually have some news"

Callie smiles "Speaking of which, we have some news as well" she looks at Arizona.

"Alright" April smiles "1,2,3 Go"

"I'm pregnant"

"We're pregnant"

Everyone's silent again, no one moves and no one speaks.

"Congratulations!" Meredith finally smiles "Wow, Arizona I expected but Jo?"

Jo laughs and so does Arizona "I found out two days ago, apparently I'm two weeks" Arizona tells us smiling. "It's not long, but I couldn't wait to tell you all, you're my family"

"You really are" Jo adds on "Alex has no clue, I told you guys before my own fiance" she jokes.

"How far along are you?" April asks.

"eight weeks" Jo answers "I've got an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow, just to be sure, then I'm going to talk to Alex"

"Baby Evil Spawn" I smirk "Alex is gonna be happy, I can guarantee that"

Meredith nods "He will be, even though he won't admit it he's a kid person"

Just as she says that, Scarlet's cries flood through the baby monitor.

"Speaking of kids" Callie chuckles.

"For loving honor of God" I stand up, and go to the nursery.

Even though she cries nonstop and i'm exhausted and worn thin, I wouldn't trade her.

She could be president some day.

A/N- yay sundaze is update daze! Loving it. The snow here legit just melted last god damn week and it got up to 15 degrees. So naturally I managed to get a sunburn. Anyway!

Thanks for reading!

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