Chapter thirty six:

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A/N- for those of you who aren't sure what a tula is, i've put a picture above. a cousin of mine has one for her kid. 

Another life,

Another soul.

Another body,

To grow old.

The whole Burke thing was stressing me out to the nines, so I decided not to think about it. I figured if I stayed away from Burke until I talked to Owen then I'd be golden.

But I knew that soon I'd be back at work, hopefully before Lexie had Evie so that the hospital wasn't so short staffed. Lexie was due to have Evie in about two weeks, and I was due to go back to work in a few days. But Lexie'd had some labor scares, completely normal since she was so close to her due date and Evie could come at any day, so I was hoping she could keep the baby in until I was back at work for a little bit.

No such luck apparently.

"Owen babe, I love you but I don't love these boxers that always magically appear on the bathroom floor" I chucked the dirty underwear at Owen, who was mixing a bottle for Scarlet (who was in her usual spot, cuddled into my neck in the Tula baby carrier).

"Seriously?" he asked, pushing the button on the bottle warmer and turning to face me, wielding the boxers "you couldn't just put them in the hamper and then yell at me?"

I smirk "It was Scarlet's idea"

He chuckles and throws the boxers into a dirty clothes basket that was under the table (babies are hard, clothes baskets don't always make it to the laundry room on time, no judgement).

"Scarlet is this true?" he asks, walking over to us and kissing my cheek before looking down at Scarlet.

"Yes Daddy, Mommy didn't want to but I said we should" I use a higher pitched voice and move Scarlet's little fist for emphasis. The lack of sleep was making me go slightly crazy, because I normally would NOT be faking a baby voice over a pair of underwear.

"Someone's a little evil already" Owen muses, reaching over and slipping her out of the tula "must get it from your Mom, huh?"

I swat his arm lightly "I'm not evil"

He shrugs "Kinda. But that's part of what made me fall in love with you" she smiles, cradling Scarlet gently.

"Ha Ha" I say sarcastically before kissing him.

"There's a billion people on this planet, but I imagine there's only one of you" he tells me, smiling "I love you"

I lean into him, smiling. He shifts Scarlet to the other arm and puts one around me, kissing my forehead tenderly.

"My girls are both so gorgeous" he says "Scarlet definitely gets that from her Mommy"

"She has your eyes" I tell him, looking at her wide baby blues "I love that, I knew she'd have your eyes"

Owen's about to reply, but is cut off when my cell phone rings loud and obnoxiously. Sighing, I throw the tula down on the table and pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I ask.

"It's Meredith!" Meredith says, breathless "I'm using the phone in the hospital nurse's station, Lexie had her baby, she's here!"

"Oh my god" I smile "I'll be right out"

I hang up the phone and go pull on some jeans and a long sleeved white shirt. I grab the car seat, stuff some extra diapers in the diaper bag with a few other things and head back down to the kitchen.

"Lexie had the baby, that was Meredith. I'm heading to the hospital if you wanna come" I tell Owen, taking Scarlet and putting her in her car seat. I strap her in and tuck a blanket around her, before throwing my phone and wallet in the diaper bag and pocketing my keys.

"Yeah, oh my gosh, she already had the baby?" Owen asks, throwing on a coat and picking up the diaper bag.

I shrug "Some people are blessed with short labor I guess"

Owen snorts "You weren't one of them"

"Shut up"


Evie Meredith Sloan was born on January 28th at 5:15 pm. She was five pounds, five ounces and eighteen and a half inches long. She had a head of chestnut colored hair and grey eyes, a mix of both of her parents, but looking more like Mark if you asked me.

"You named her after Meredith" I smile, looking at exhausted Lexie holding the little pink baby.

"She's my sister, Evie Madeline didn't sound right. Meredith sounded much better as a middle name" Lexie smiled.

"I was flattered nonetheless" Meredith leaned down and took her new niece from Lexie "I think she kinda looks like me anyway"

We all chuckle "She looks like Mark" I say.

"Oh no" Mark says, a look of terror across his face "she's too young for boys but if she looks like me they'll ALL be after her the second she hits kindergarten" he was holding Sofia (who seemed to cry every time she saw Mark holding Evie. She wasn't a big fan of her baby sister yet)

"I'm sure when they see how scary you are they'll back off" Lexie jokes.

"At least she doesn't look like you" Mark says "then the second she went to the nursery all the other newborns would be hitting on her cute little face"

Lexie stuck her tongue out at Mark, but was still smiling.

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