Chapter ten:

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In the mornin',
When I rise,
Bring a tear of joy,
To my eyes,
And tell me,
Is gonna be alright.

Christina's POV:

An hour into the dinner party, everyone was eating, chatting and enjoying theirselves. Jackson, Meredith and Teddy were all still at the hospital, which meant they couldn't make it.

Arizona, Callie, Lexie and Jo all sat around the coffee table, sipping red whine and making small talk. Bailey and Webber sipped water and commented on how good the steak was that Owen made. Alex and April talked about some surgery they did earlier in the day. Mark and Derek sat on the rug, playing blocks with Sofia and Zola.

Suddenly, Owen gave me the look and signalled for me to stand up.

I cleared my throat rather loudly, and watched as everyone went silent and looked intently at me. I suddenly grew nervous, so I grabbed onto Owens hand to stable myself. He was my rock, and I knew I'd be okay with him here.

"So, Christina and I have some news" Owen got the ball rolling, leaving me to kick it into the net.

"We're expecting a baby" I smile.

Everyone starts smiling and laughing and congratulating us. Callie and Arizona mention that they already knew, while Lexie and April smile and ask for details. How far along I am, do I know what I'm having, if we have any names picked out yet.

"I'll be thirteen weeks tomorrow" I answer smiling "a long time to keep it secret, I know, but I didn't want to say anything too early. We don't really want to find out the gender, it's a baby and it's coming, the gender isn't really a concern" I place my hand self-cautiously on my belly. I knew I had gained weight, but I suddenly felt weird about telling all these people I was going to get fat.

"I like the name Lola" Owen says "for a little girl" he smiles and puts an arm around my waist.

"That's an adorable little name!" April smiles.

"No it isn't" I say matter of factly "Lola reminds me of the kids in high school who used to do cocaine in the bathroom during free period"

Owen kisses my forehead before mumbling something along the lines of 'you'll come around'.

"No, I won't. Not on Lola" I laugh.

"I'm telling you, being pregnant sucks" Bailey grumbled.

"Thank you! Something someone can finally relate with me!" I exclaim "pregnancy is kicking my ass! I'm miserable!"

Bailey nods "the back pain will start once you get bigger. Your bladder will get significantly smaller, hell to this day I can't sneeze without peeing, your feet will hurt like hell and you'll crave some weird stuff, not to mention the rolling and kicking and punching" Bailey says grimacing.

"Thanks Bailey, you're always here to lighten the mood" Owen chuckles.

"Honey, she isn't lying" I tell Owen "this sucks. I feel like aliens landed in my uterus, I can't even imagine when the baby starts to kick"

"Contrary to popular belief, baby kicks are not fluttery little tabs and pokes. Quite the opposite, they're painful little jabs and stabs, like someone's elbowing you 24/7" Bailey tacked on.

"Glad to know that someone's on the same page as me" I smirk.

13 weeks, 5 days

I started to show at nearly fourteen weeks.

Sure, I'd gained a pound or two, but nothing that was really noticeable. I didn't think so, anyway. And of course, everytime I asked Owen how my jeans looked or if a certain blouse made me look bigger, he'd just kiss me and tell me I look beautiful.

Screw beautiful, I'm brilliant.

But this morning, I was getting ready for work, when I tried to slip into the same pair of jeans I'd had for at least three years. They were my absolute favourite pair, and I'd been wearing them even after I found out I was pregnant.

I got them up to my thighs, jumped and wiggled til they were at my waist, when the button refused to reach to the other side of the pants. Not for the life of me could I button them up.

Grunting, I pulled them off and instead put on some black leggings. I got out my Hunter rubber boots (gotta love the Seattle rain) and a blue Berkeley shirt I'd been wearing to work on days when I knew I wasn't going to be going out anywhere special.

I pulled it over my head, and nearly cried at what I saw.

A bump, a bump big enough to tell I wasn't just chubby. Of course, the shirt had been snug fitting before I got pregnant (I'd bought it in college after all) but it never made me look fat. Even though the bump wasn't big, it could easily be hidden under a hoodie or even a shirt that was a size or two bigger, it was still there.

I decided not to let 'the bump' dictate what I wore. I was going to wear my comfy Berkeley shirt and I was going to be happy about it, dammit!

Throwing a rain coat on and grabbing my things, I called for Owen to hurry up so we could leave.

Truthfully, the bump scared me. I still didn't know how I felt about being a parent, I sure as hell wasn't enjoying being pregnant, and now I had a bump staring me dead in the eye. It was a bit much, I felt like it was too soon to really be happy about my bump.

Being a Mother is the one thing I had no sweet clue about. I was a surgeon, and that's all I thought I'd ever be. That was all I'd planned on being.

But, people plan and life happens.


chapter ten published on Sunday, as promised!! Maybe if I can find time I'll post the next chapter (which will be badass) before Sunday. I dunno tho. If I get enough comments I may make tonight a double update and post before 12. Ya never know....

I got a major thing planned to happen in a chapter or two. Trust me, it's gonna be a huge ass shocker.

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