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Kiss away,

The difference,

I know you hate,

This one.

Christina's POV:

I watched Scarlet smile as Owen made funny little faces at her. He was standing across the room with her and Mark, who had Evie securely attached to his hip as well. They were both beaming with smiles, every time either baby did something, suppose it be laugh, hiccup or smile, they got the happiest looks on their faces.

So did I.

The love of my life and the baby I loved more than words were smiling and laughing, and it warmed my usually not too warm heart. Scarlet was getting so big, as much as I didn't think I'd ever say it, I was sad to see her grow up. She wasn't a tiny little baby anymore; she was six months old, halfway to being a full year old.

"It's crazy how fast they grow, isn't it?" Meredith mused, as she watched Derek try and help Zola eat a cookie without spilling her juice. We were at Callie and Arizona's baby shower, where they were also going to reveal the gender. Arizona was about twenty six weeks or so along whereas Jo was thirty four and ready to pop. Meredith, who was enjoying her pregnancy a hell of a lot more than the other two were, was sixteen weeks. She wasn't nearly as big as I was at sixteen weeks, partially because she attempted to eat healthy to keep her weight down and partially because she was Meredith, she never gained or lost any weight.

"She's getting so big, I miss when she was tiny and squishy" I sigh "minus the crying, she was a good little newborn. Now she's practically off to kindergarten"

Meredith chuckles "Zola's going to be a big sister, imagine how that feels"

"You can tell she's excited" I say.

She nods "Christina, mind if I ask you a question?"

"Go for it"

"Would you ever have another one? Or was Scarlet it for you?" she asks "because I haven't even had this baby yet and I'm pretty sure I want to have a third. Pregnancy does magical, woo woo, voodoo shit"

I think for a moment, looking at Scarlet and her little dimples (another thing she got from Owen that made her THAT much cuter, if it was even possible) and then I answer.

"I want to win a Harper Avery" I answer "I want to be the best of the best, but maybe when I'm there at the top of the mountain and everyone knows me as an amazing surgeon, maybe I'd consider a baby brother for Scarlet"

Meredith laughs "So you're saying when Scarlet's about ten or so you'd maybe have another one"

I shrug "At least then she'd be pretty self sufficient and not rely on me as much as a baby would"

Suddenly, Arizona in her cute little white blouse and baby bump, emerge from the kitchen with Callie and a cake that's covered in little baby booties and pacifiers and rattles. The way the gender reveal part of the shower works is so when you cut into the cake and see the icing on the inside layers, whatever color it is symbolizes a certain gender. Blue is for boy and pink is for girl, and whatever color is in the middle is what the gender is.

I don't even think Callie and Arizona know what the gender is, because they got Mark to find out the gender by doing an ultrasound for Arizona and then ordering the cake from the bakery.

"Did you hear?" Meredith tells me as Arizona and Callie lay the cake down and Callie picks up Sofia "they're asking Mark and Lexie to be the godparents so if something happens to them, the baby is raised with Sofia"

"I didn't know, but it does make sense. If the baby had different god parents and they bit the dust, the baby wouldn't have any biological family and wouldn't know it's big sister. Do you know what Lexie thinks of all of it?" I ask.

"Lexie loves the idea. She thinks it's a good precautionary thing or whatever. Mark is all for it too; he's touched his best friends are letting him godparent their kid" Meredith tells me.

Just as I'm about to ask Meredith who was god parenting her second kid, Arizona and Callie call the attention of the room to the front.

"Alright everyone" Callie smiles a big smile, the kind only people that are about to have babies smile, and turns to Arizona.

"We don't know what color the frosting is going to be" Arizona smiles "our good friend and the baby's god father, Mark, is the only person who knows what color is going to be on the inside. So we're going to cut the cake and see what our second little baby is going to be! A boy or a girl!"

"And" Callie continues "We've picked two names; one for a boy and one for a girl"

"Phoenix for a girl!" Alex yells out "like Phoenix, Arizona!"

The crowd chuckles at Alex's lame attempt at a joke.

"Shut up Karev" Arizona says with a small smile. "For a girl, we've picked Rosa and for a boy we've picked Timothy"

I liked the name Timothy; I knew it was after Arizona's brother who passed away in the army a few years ago. It meant a lot that they wanted to name their baby after him if it was a boy.

"Alright then, here we go" Callie says and Arizona cuts the cake.

"Sofia, why don't you tell all your friends what the baby's name is going to be?" Arizona smiles.

Sofia smiles a big toothy little toddler grin.


A/N- Last chapter! I figured this was a good spot to leave off, the sequel is in progress now and it should be posted soon! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting and loving this book, I'm glad it was such a success and I had so much fun writing it, I cant wait to publish the sequlel!!

love you all so much thank you a million times for all the love and support you've given me!!

I'll update this book when the sequel is up!!!


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