Chapter thirty one:

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I can see your head,

through the crowd,

like the sun,

through the clouds.

Christina's POV:

Let me tell you, when people say that newborns are hard work, they weren't kidding.

Let me also tell you that the idiots who say 'sleep when the baby sleeps' are completely wrong.

First off, let me tell you that no one really takes into consideration the amount of cleaning that needs to be done when you've got a baby. The washer and dryer are constantly running, clothes constantly needs to be folded, everything has spit up or poop on it, bottles need to be washed every few hours, and the trash with dirty diapers in it needs to be taken out about twice a day or it makes the house smell awful.

Now, to the problem with sleeping when the baby sleeps.

Newborns have to eat every 2-4 hours, which means when Scarlet does sleep she either wakes up for food a couple hours later or we have to wake her up to feed her. When she's woken up, she won't go back to sleep either and it's hard to get anything done. I'm rocking her, Owen's making her bottles or getting clean clothes or diapers and there's no time to get anything else done. When she's asleep is when we wash the dishes, eat, shower, wash laundry and put away odds and ends that somehow make their way into our disaster of a living room.

Between all the washing and folding and putting away and eating and washing spit up and vomit out of my hair, there is literally no time for me to sleep when she's asleep. And the same goes for Owen, because when I shower he's doing laundry and vice versa. If I'm washing bottles then he's drying them and putting them away, if I'm washing laundry he's drying it, if I'm picking up and putting away then he's either showering or eating.

Needless to say, I haven't slept in the three days she's been home, and Christmas day is tomorrow.

I was standing by the sink, dropping tired, rinsing out bottles while Scarlet slept. Owen was out buying some Christmas stuff and picking up wipes and milk (we were out of wipes in three days, that's how messy my child is) so I was left alone for an hour with Scarlet. So far, she was just sleeping and I wanted to make sure it stayed that way.

I sighed, and put all the now clean bottles on the drying rack and decided that maybe, just maybe, if Scarlet stayed asleep long enough that the laundry could wait an extra hour until I took a nap.

I'd worked 48 hour shifts before, so the first day of being up with the baby was a joke. The second was tiring and now, at day three, I was exhausted. Being a Mother, having a human being that solely depends on me and Owen for everything in it's life, is harder than anyone could have imagined.

But her little nose wrinkles up when she's happy and I swear it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. She's my baby and I love her more than anything, I'd take her over sleep any day.

Sighing, I crawled into bed and just flopped.

I was literally asleep for no more than twenty minutes when I heard her crying from the bassinet.

I groaned, and went to see my baby, who's face was pink and scrunched from crying, and picked her up from the bassinet gently (I was still afraid I was going to break her, as opposed to Meredith who balances her in one arm and nearly gives me a heart attack. Apparently this whole caution thing is supposed to wear off soon).

"What's wrong, baby?" I coo, rocking her gently. She had just been fed not three hours ago, so I knew it wasn't that. She wasn't wet or vomiting so I figured she was just in a mood where she wanted to cry.

If there was one thing I learned in the past three days, It's that baby's don't need an excuse to cry. Sometimes she screams for an hour just because she can.

I lay down on the bed and place her on my chest, hoping that the sound of my heart beat and my breathing would do something to help her calm down.

She fell asleep seconds after I laid down with her, and I'm not ashamed to admit I followed suit.

A/N- sorry this is up a day late! I have so many tests n shit before we take our finals in June! I've been dead busy with homework but i still managed to find time to update so..your welcome!! JK i should be thanking u all for reading and voting and commenting!

thx for reading!

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