Chapter twenty six:

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You're the cure,

you're the pain,

you're the only thing,

I want,

to touch.

Christina's POV:

36 weeks, 3 days

Any day now, literally.

I was due to have Itsy any day and I was starting to get a little nervous. I knew that it was going to hurt like hell, and really, I kinda wanted to schedule a C-section so I wouldn't have to go through all that labor. But if I did that, I'd have to take twelve weeks off to heal instead of eight, which I did not want to do.

"Once you hit thirty-eight weeks, I'm not letting you into an OR" Owen told me one day, as I wrote up charts before a surgery.

"Why not?" I ask, closing the charts and looking up at him.

"Because the baby could fall out at any moment! You have less than four weeks until your due date!" Owen smiles "and as exciting as that is, we can't have you giving birth in the middle of a transplant or a tumor reduction or a bypass"

"I'm sure I could keep him in there past thirty eight weeks" I scoff "lots of women go into labor at thirty nine"

"Lots of women also have to be induced at forty two weeks because they go over their due date" Owen points out "but lots of women also give birth several weeks early, there's usually no in between. I don't know a single baby that was born on their due date unless there was a scheduled C-section"

I snort "I'm sure I won't go into labor until I want to. I'll cross my legs and hope for the best" I shrug.

"Babies don't wait for anyone" Owen reminds me "even your baby, our baby"

I nod "Yeah, yeah I know. I've got a surgery, I'll see you in a few hours" I lean up to kiss him, and quickly make my way to the OR.

It was going to be a good night.


Several hours later, when I was washing up and leaving the OR, I felt a shooting pain go all through my body. I gripped the counter and winced, not knowing what I was feeling. It hurt like hell, and I knew it had to do with the baby.

I widen my eyes and leave the scrub room to quickly find Owen, but instead I run into Burke.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, putting a hand on my upper arm.

I nod, a hand still on my belly "I think I'm going into labor!" I say, excitedly. I was so done with being pregnant and so ready for the baby that I was over the moon to finally pop him out.

"Oh my goodness, congratulations" He tells me kindly. I nod and thank him, before muttering that I had to find Owen and get to Dr. Evans.

I search for Owen all through the hospital, not sure where to find him. I know he isn't in surgery because his name isn't on the board and I know he isn't in the ER because it's April's shift tonight. I decide to go to the Cafeteria, and bingo, there he is, sipping coffee while talking to Teddy.

"Owen!" I walk as fast as I can over to him "I think the baby's coming!"

He has a look of pure shock plastered on his face "Are you okay? Did your water break?" He asks frantically, standing up next to me.

"No, No, I'm okay I just felt what I am positive was a contraction!" I tell him, super excited and super ready to get this kid out. And it wasn't even in the middle of a surgery!

"Oh my gosh, okay, oh my god, lets go see Dr. Evans!" Owen smiles.


"Not labor" Dr. Evans confirms with a snap of her gloves. She just finished checking me out, seeing if I was dilated or whatever, making sure the baby was okay, and confirmed I wasn't in labor.

"Ugh" I groan "Okay so what did I feel?" I ask, disappointed.

"A particularity strong Braxton Hick is my diagnosis" she tells me, handing Owen the pictures of the ultrasound. Every time she gave us a new picture, she took it a certain way so that we couldn't see what gender the baby was. Owen loved each and every one, and had made a scrap book of ultrasounds from week eight on up. It was actually kinda sweet how excited he was.

"If it's a boy, we're naming him Braxton" I mutter "In honor of me getting so excited for labor, and then having a Braxtion freaking Hick"

Owen just laughs "I'm sure it won't be too long now"

"It better not be. I'm stretched six ways to Sunday"

A/N- OMG not long now until the baby comes!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty sure i want to write a sequel for this book just because i have a good idea for one, but it'll be one that you peeps will more than likely not expect. HINT: Amelia will be in it HINT 2: this baby will have a baby sibling :)

Love you all thanks for reading! vote and comment!


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