Chapter thirty eight:

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Sorry I havent updated in a bit! Finals week JUST ended today, and I have had zero free time! But here's a chapter, and another one will be following as a double update! I'm hoping to finish this story pretty soon to post the sequel! I'm excited to start writing it! 

I also made an instagram page for this wattpad account! Go and follow it, comment on my recently posted picture if you're a reader of my stories! It's @ Deipotent_Daisy, the same as this account name! I'll be posting on there about updates and important things regarding the book instead of those annoying Author's Notes!

Okay and I also have to freaking add, I'm a fan of Pretty Little Liars and I'm currently reading an Ezria fic called 'All this time' which is the sequel to 'Secret Baby' by prettylittlezria and I swear i adore it. You dont really HAVE to watch the show to understand the book, but you do have to know the characters and the whole Ezria backstory a little bit. Regardless I'm in love with the book and if you're a PLL fan, PLEASE go and check it out. I'm telling you, it's worth the time!

Enjoy the chapter! Vote and comment!


When I got sober,

felt ten years older,

but fuck it,

it was something to do.

Christina's POV:

Finally, after what seemed like years of anticipation, Jo and Alex's wedding day had arrived.

It wasn't going to be anything big, a little ceremony with everyone we were close with in Meredith's back yard and then some cake (no drinks, practically everyone was pregnant or nursing).

The backyard was decorated really nicely, with white chairs on either side of a white aisle runner and a little wooden arch threaded with flowers and lights at the end. Christmas lights were strung all around the yard, leaving a twinkly and magical feel. White carnations were tied in little bunches with ribbons and placed on each outside chair, while big pots of flowers sat at the beginning and end of the aisle. It was gorgeous, even though the lights were a bitch to untangle and get working.

Zola and Sofia walked down the little make shift aisle first, each decked out in a cute white dress and throwing flower petals wildly. Then, Jo walked down the aisle, sporting a twenty week baby bump and a huge smile. Alex was looking at her like she was the first thing he'd ever loved, and everyone else was smiling along with them.

Bailey, upon Alex's request, was officiating the ceremony with a license she acquired online. Burke, Callie and Arizona, and Teddy were sitting on one side of the aisle while I sat with Scarlet on my lap next to Mark, Lexie and Evie, Meredith and Derek and April and Jackson.

Scarlet was three months old and Evie was a month old; they were growing fast and were the best of friends. Sofia and Zola were undoubtedly best friends, and Scarlet and Evie proved to be best friends now. Whenever we placed them on the play mat together they contently cooed and smiled at each other, and basically just enjoyed each others company. It was adorable, and Lexie and I had managed to get some really adorable pictures of them smiling together.

Arizona was now fourteen weeks pregnant with her second baby, and claimed she wasn't finding out the gender until later on because like myself, she claims a baby is a baby and its coming whether it's equipped with a penis or a vagina. Callie on the other hand, wanted to know if she got to go baby clothes shopping for little bows and pink and frilly or little overalls and trains and blue.

And of course Jo, the blushing bride, was twenty weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Since Jo and Alex were both pretty gender neutral names, they wanted to go with something gender neutral for the baby as well. Alex liked Riley and Jessie while Jo was stuck between Taylor, Jordan, and Parker.

But looking at them now, getting married, you would never guess that just yesterday they were arguing over baby names that sounded 'cool' (Alex) and baby names that sounded 'cute' (Jo).

"Alright, I'm gonna hurry this along and get to the point" Bailey smiled "do you, Alex Karev take Jo Wilson to be your lawfully wedded wife"

Alex smiled "I do"

"And do you" Bailey continued "Jo Wilson take Alex Karev to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Jo put a hand on her belly "I do"

"By the power vested in me, because I am doctor Bailey, you are now pronounced husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"


"That was a lovely wedding" Lexie commented the next day, as she bounced Evie gently.

I nod "It really was, I'm still in shock that Alex actually went through with it"

Meredith picks up little Zola and smiles "Well, you know how it goes. I was a total commitmentphobe when I met Derek and now look at me! Married, we have a gorgeous little baby. Life is great when you're happily with someone"

I think of Owen, and nod smiling. I really loved him, I wouldn't have had the baby if I didn't. And I owed him the world, because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have my little girl that I loved more than anything.

"Do you ever think of what would've happened if Owen didn't influence you to keep Scarlet?" Meredith asks "I know I think all the time about what would've happened if Derek wasn't there to suggest we adopt Zola"

I smile at my little sleeping baby "I do sometimes" I tell her "I know I'd be less sleep deprived" I chuckle, as Scarlet cuddles into me more and sighs a content little baby sigh.

"But I'd be less happy"

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