Chapter twenty five:

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Last one was a filler. Here's a double update.

You found me,

You found me,

lost and all alone.

Christina's POV:

34 weeks, 1 day

"Callie, I swear to god I don't need any of this shit" I mumble, as I glare at the pile of pink that was Callie's baby shower gift. She'd thrown me a new and improved baby shower (where my water didn't have to break) and had given me a whole pile of pink clothes.

"I said, Hey Cal, why not just go with a nice cream colored blanket and a teddy or a rattle? But no, she had to go and get one of everything that was pink in the store!" Arizona told me, as she held Sofia close to her. The baby was sleeping, and she was definitely a Mama's girl (Arizona was Mama and Callie was Mommy) which pissed off Mark to some extent, and made Callie smile. Now, Sofia was curled up with her head in the crook of Arizona's neck, sleeping soundly with her little grubby fingers gripping her t-shirt to be sure Arizona won't lay her down.

I have to admit, It was pretty cute.

"You two should have another kid" I say to Callie and Arizona, as Meredith bounces Zola on her lap "Sofia is a cute little baby, and it you have one now there'll only be a two year age gap"

"Sofia is already getting a baby sister" Callie motioned to Lexie.

Lexie smiled and rubbed her huge ass belly "Evie is gonna be here pretty soon, I'm sure Sofia is excited for her baby sister"

"Well maybe she needs a baby brother" I shrug "maybe a blonde little brother?" I look at Arizona, who smiles and looks down at Sofia.

"I think I'd like that" Arizona smiles "a little boy would be nice too"

Callie chuckles "If you wanted to have a baby, why not just ask? Of course I'd love another baby too!"

"This is Christina's baby shower and you two are planning a second baby. Pay attention, because she's about to open my gift!" Meredith handed me a wrapped present with the hand that wasn't confining a squirming Zola to her lap.

"What is up with everyone wanting a kid these days" Teddy mutters "I mean, even Yang has crossed over. Not much hope for the rest of us I suppose"

Jo nodded "I mean, even I want kids after Alex and I are married, which is weird because I was never really a fan of kids, but I love the idea of fostering and adopting like Meredith and Derek did with Zola"

"I mean, it makes sense since you and Alex were both foster kids" Lexie agrees.

Alex and Jo were planning their wedding for January, which was about two months or so away. It was going to be small and simple, about a hundred or so people at a church with a small reception after and then a weekend long honeymoon in Mexico.

"I still can't believe Evil Spawn is settling down" I mutter, as Zola reaches her chubby arms out for me. I gladly take her from Meredith's lap and hand her a little stuffed bear to play with.

"I still can't believe your pregnant" Jo shoots back.

"You know what they say" Bailey shrugs "people plan, and life happens. Nothing goes the way you think it will"

"Amen sister" April preaches.

"Are you going to open my damn gift or just play with my kid for the rest of this thing?" Meredith says, exasperated.

"Right, sorry" I rip off the bow and hand it to Zola, who widens her eyes and starts to play with her new discovery. Babies love wrapping and boxes more than anything else, I swear. Meredith takes the bow from her right as she's about to taste-test it, which makes her bottom lip pop out and start to quiver. "Here you go, Zo" I smile, handing her some wrapping paper "We're gonna move you to this side of Auntie so Mommy can't steal all the good stuff" I tell her, as Meredith sighs.

"You can't let my kid eat paper" She tells me, as Zola crumples the paper happily.

"She isn't eating it, shes chewing it. Besides, it's not like she's into anything overly dangerous" I open Meredith's present and pull out the first thing. It's a set of those hard cardboard like books for babies so they can't rip or eat them. There's eight in the set and they're all a different fairy tale. Sleeping beauty, Snow White, Cinderella, the Swan Princess, Hansel and Gretel, little red riding hood, Rumpelstiltskin, and Jack and the bean stalk are all in there. Owen and I had a little bookshelf in the nursery, but it held some extra blankets and diapers along with other odds and ends because we'd decided that we'd wait until the baby was old enough to listen to the book to buy any. Regardless, I was happy with the set, it was a nice present.

"Wow, these are amazing!" I say "thank you!"

"There's more, keep opening it up" Meredith urges, taking Zola back from my lap (who was still crumpling paper but not eating it).

I pull out a set of plastic letter blocks and a set of plush letter blocks. The plastic ones are labeled 'for children 6+ months', while the plush ones were labeled 'for children 0-6 months'. They were a nice present, considering we hadn't gotten many toys besides a few little rattles and plushies. Again, we had decided to wait until the baby was a bit older to worry about that.

"These are so cute" I say, looking them over "I'm sure he'll love them. Thank you"

"There's two more things, keep on opening" She smiles.

"Jeez, how much did you buy?" I laugh.

"This kid is essentially my niece or nephew, just like Lexie's baby. He or She will get the same treatment"

I smile, happy that my baby will have so many Aunts and Uncles to love him, and pull out the second to last gift.

It's a little plushie that's a mix between a plush lamb and a blanket. It was so soft and so cute, I adored it.

Lastly, I pulled out a set of three pink t-shirts that were different sizes. The first one was for a small baby, and the second two were for bigger babies like Zola and Sofia. Upon closer inspection, I saw that the first one said 'B' and the second two both said 'F' 'F'.

"They're matching best friend shirts for Zola, Sofia and your baby" Meredith smiles "isn't that cute!" She pulls out a little bag from behind her "I got one in blue, too. Boys and girls can be BFFs. And I got a pink exclamation point for Lexie to put on Evie when she's here! So lined up the three girls and your kid, may he be a boy or a girl, will say BFF!" She gushes.

I don't say anything, I just sigh.

A/N- Agh! whos excited for baby Hunt? I am, and im the author LOL im lame but thats okay.

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