Chapter five:

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If I got locked away,
And we lost it all today,
Tell me honestly,
Would you still love me the same?

Christina's POV:

That night, I was at Callie and Arizona's place with Meredith. Zola and Sofia were having a play date because both Mark and Derek had to work late.

Mer was still on my case about telling Callie about my still in tact pregnancy.

"She's one of your best friends! Her kid is your god kid!" Meredith had said.

Ever since I told her I was going to wait to tell Callie, she's been dropping subtle hints to either get me to tell, or to get Callie to ask.

"So did Sofia kick lots?"

"Aren't pregnant woman always starving?" (She said this as I munched on a bag of trail mix)

"You start to gain weight at twelve weeks, right?"

Oh, and there were plenty more.

By the time we were half way through the play date, I was ready to kill Meredith and make Callie my new person.

"Anyone for wine?" Callie asked, standing up.

Mer said no because she was driving. Arizona was on call. I just shook my head.

"What? Christina Yang turning down wine?" Callie seemed genuinely surprised.

I nodded. Might as well drop the bomb now.

"Can't drink it when you're pregnant" screw it, Mer was right. Callie and Arizona had a right to know.

"Oh my god" Callie and Arizona said in unison.

I just laughed.

"How far along are you?" Arizona asked.

"A little over eight weeks. Owen and I got the ultrasound two days ago" I tell them.

"I can't believe you changed your mind and decided to have a kid!" Arizona marvelled as she sat on the floor, playing blocks and tea party while wiping drool and stray cookie crumbs. One year olds were messy. And kinda gross. I mentally groaned at the thought of all the drool and spit and barf.

"Remember before we had Sofia?" Callie asked Arizona "you wanted to spend all your time in Spain or Mexico or Tahiti somewhere drinking exotic alcohol and having sex on the beach"

Arizona laughed and pulled Sofia close to her.

"That's true. But now I'm completely on team baby talk, diaper changing and fussy late nights with tiny humans" she smiled as Sofia giggled (everyone said she looked like Callie, but whenever she smiled or laughed or grinned I swore I saw Mark making that exact face)

I laughed, but those teams didn't sound like anything I'd ever want to be on.

And I'd be damned before I'd talk baby talk to my kid or anyone else's.


8 weeks, 6 days along

"Ugh the smell of literally every food I can think of makes me sick" I groan as I cough my stomach.

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