Chapter three:

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Where our eyes are never closin',
Hearts are never broken,
Times forever frozen,

Christina's POV:

Owens eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

"You're WHAT?" Owen sputtered, as he stood up.

"I didn't get the abortion. I had another scheduled for about forty five minutes ago, but I couldn't do it, I just couldn't" I say simply.

I watched as Owens face went from confused, to relieved, to thinking and to angry.

"Don't joke with me Christina" he growled, his face dead serious. He thought I was just joking around, pulling his chain a little I suppose.

"Owen I'm not joking. I couldn't do it. And I didn't change my mind because of you" I added, and it was true. I changed my mind to prove something to myself.

To prove I was good enough, talented enough, and brave enough to bring up a baby while still being the best surgeon in my field. Hell, maybe even the country!

But as I looked at Owen, I could tell he didn't believe me.

"Christina, somehow I just can't bring myself to believe you. It isn't like you to change your mind when it comes to these things" he said sadly, not letting himself believe it could be true.

I really didn't blame him for not believing me. I wouldn't have believed me just a few short days ago.

So, to make him believe me, I grabbed his hand and I marched right out of the on call room and straight down the hall to the nearest elevator.

"Christina, where are you taking me?" Owen questioned.

I didn't say a single word until I got to the OBGYN nurses station. I ignored every single one of Owens questions and protests.

"Hi I'm doctor Christina Yang. I scheduled a missed abortion for eight o clock. Do you think I could get a quick ultrasound?" I asked nicely, or as nice as I could be.

"Of course, Dr.Yang. Dr.Evans is in exam room four, right back there" the nurse pointed to an exam room "tell her you were sent for a quick ultrasound"

I thanked the nurse, and made my way to the exam room, dragging Owen behind me.

"Hello, Dr.Evans? I'm Dr.Yang. I was sent by a nurse for a quick ultrasound" I tell the OB. She nods and tells me to lie down on the exam table while she preps the machine. 

I lie down, roll up my shirt, and hold Owens hand.

"You're proving you didn't get an abortion" Owen mumbled as he sat down next to me.

"When was your first clue? Before or after I asked the nurse for an ultrasound?" I raised an eyebrow "besides, you seemed so worried that I'd gone through with it, I figured you'd stop being such a worry wart if you could see the kid for yourself"

The OB snapped her gloves on and flicked on the machine. "This'll be cold" she tells me as she squirts some cool, clear jelly on my stomach.

"Here we go!" Dr. Evans chirps happily as a picture of our baby appears on the screen. "That's your baby! As happy and healthy as ever!" She was over perky and annoying. I make a mental note to ask for a different OB at my twelve week check up.

"See Owen?" I say quietly as I rub circles on the back of his hand with my thumb "the baby is okay. Stop worrying about it" I say soothingly as I look at the expression of pure love and joy that crosses Owens face.

I swear, a Christmas tree couldn't light up as bright.

"Our baby" Owen says as he looks down at me, smiling ear to ear. "It's really our baby" he kissed my forehead and admired the screen some more.

"You're a little over eight weeks, so we can't hear a heartbeat just yet. Though, there is most certainly one there" she tells us "I'll print out a copy of the ultrasound for you to show family and friends!" The image on the screen abruptly disappears as she hands me a towel to wipe off my stomach.

"I can't believe you decided to keep out baby!" Owen exclaims as he kisses me softly.

"I'm Christina Yang. No challenge is too big. Including winning a Harper Avery while raising a baby. Look at Ellis Grey, she won three, or was it four? Harper Averys and her kid is a doctor!" Bad example. Mer turned out all dark and twisty.

But if I'm nicer, and moving loving towards my own kid, I'm confident we can avoid Meredith 2.0.

"I love you so much" Owen tells me as he kisses my hands "I wouldn't want to have a baby with anyone else"

"I love you too" I smile, as the nurse hands Owen a picture of the ultrasound.

"Baby's first picture!" Owen beams as he hands me the picture of our little nut.

Despite wanting to abort the baby at first, I feel nothing but pure joy as I see the overwhelming waves of happiness on Owens face.

But I also felt proud. Proud that I was taking on a challenge, proud that I was growing a human being, and proud that I wasn't taking the easy way out.

The small part of me that felt doubtful I'd pushed back, hoping all of me would eventually come around.


That night, Owen put the little ultrasound picture in a frame.

"I can't believe we're going to be a little family" he smiled as he wrapped his arms lovingly around my torso and kissed my neck.

"I still can't believe I changed my mind" I laughed as I attempted to wash the supper dishes.

"Why did you change your mind? Was it to keep me happy? Because you deserve to be happy too" Owen was suddenly very serious. His face showed concern, but wether it was for me or the life of our unborn baby I won't ever know.

"I thought it over" I say honestly "I have no reason not to have a baby. Besides, the little nut is a piece of me. I'm it's human incubator. I'm going to keep this baby safe and healthy until it's time to hatch. Then, I'm going to be a Mother and an award winning surgeon, someone nut can be proud of" I explain softly.

Owen kissed my head tenderly.

"Think of how good Mom AND full time doctor would sound in an acceptance speech" I chuckle "I'd be like superwoman"

"Babe" Owen smiled "I plan on doing every possible thing in my power to make sure you win all the Harper Averys in the world"

A/n- how was it? Kinda bland, but things will get better. Promise.

Soon I'll be taking suggestions for the baby's middle name. I pre-wrote and edited this story, so I know the baby's gender and first name. I can't think of a middle name. So, if anyone wants to comment a middle name that'd be great. Comment one for a boy and one for a girl,and when I chose I'll tell you which ones won! That person or people, will get a shoutout and a special mention!!!!

Thanks so much for reading, vote and comment pleaseeee!!


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