Chapter eight:

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Does it ever drive,
You crazy,
Just how fast the night,

Christina's POV:

"Well, your little one seems to be just fine" Dr.Evans smiled, as she showed us the little bean that was our child.

"She's okay" Owen let out a breath of relief. He looked overjoyed that the little nut on the screen was in prime condition.

I wouldn't have ever admitted it out loud, but I was secretly relieved that our child was okay. I had no clue what I'd do if it wasn't, partially because I believe I'd blame myself and partially because I believe Owen would blame me too.

"Only three more weeks until your twelfth week, then you're out of the woods for the most part" Dr.Evans handed Owen yet more printed out ultrasound pictures, which he took with pride.

"I'll be relieved when this god awful morning sickness stops" I sigh, as I wiped the jelly off of my stomach. Owen kissed my forehead, and wrapped me in a loving embrace.

"You're definitely a trooper" he smiled "I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon, don't worry"


12 weeks exactly

By week twelve, I was ready to start celebrating. It'd been three short weeks since our little scare, and for two weeks after that I'd had migraines so bad, I could barely move. But, I toughed it out and still did my job. I wasn't going to let something as small as a migraine hold me back.

Besides, millions of women have babies all the time. If they can tough it out then so can I.

"I'm so freaking glad that I'm in my second trimester" I laughed, as I sat with Callie and Arizona. Meredith was in surgery with Bailey, and when she got out we were planning on picking up both girls and hanging out at Meredith's for an hour or two.

"Only five more weeks or so and you'll be able to find out the gender!" Callie squeaked. She had pure baby fever, which I could tell frightened Arizona a little bit.

"I don't want to find out the gender of the baby" I shrug. I didn't think it was such a big deal, but Callie's face was a mask of pure horror.

"How could you possibly carry that child for twenty eight more weeks and not know what gender it is?"

"Pretty easily" I snort.

"But if it's a boy" Callie continued, as if I never spoke "then you get to buy little blue booties and sailor outfits. If it's a little girl, you get to buy little hair bows and pink outfits and flowery blankets"

"By child will wear gender neutral clothes until it's old enough to know better" I say simply.

"How could you possibly say that?" Callie gasped.

"Easy" I answer "i might not be overly excited about being pregnant, but this is still my child a person that will be half me and I refuse to subject my child to the pure horror that is hair bows, frills and pink everything, as my Mother was so fond of" I had a lot of bad memories concerning bows and frills

"I wish I could go baby shopping for itsy bitsy little newborn onesies. Sofia came early, so I didn't get to do much shopping" Callie frowned.

"Sofia's ten months old" Arizona reminded her cautiously "she doesn't need a sibling quite yet"

Callie laughed and nodded "something tells me Mark and Lexie won't be too far behind you and Owen"

Lexie and Mark were so in love, it was disgusting. Always with the heart eyes and the kisses and the little compliments. Honeymoon phase.

I practically dry heaved just thinking of it.

"Im going to find Meredith, she's probably in the residents lounge by now. Why don't you two go and pick up both of my god children" I mutter.

By the time I found Meredith, she was packing up the duffle bag that was forever filled with clothes and things, always ready for those days when you're expecting a call.

"So Callie apparently thinks CPS should take my unborn child because I don't want to find out the gender, or drown the poor thing in bows and pink" I say, as I sit down on the bench.

"I never wore pink. It was too bright and cheery for me. Such a sexist colour, pink screams sexist. It screams girlish and womanly and weak. It's like sticking a banner on your back that says I'm a mindless follower who's always cheery and into pot lucks. Might as well screw college because I'm too excited to pop out babies and bring snack to play group before doing anything else with my life" Meredith's tone was bitter, I laughed.

"My Mother used to force me into the hell that was fluffy pink dresses" I shuddered at the memory "by around twelve, I learned to fight back. And by fight back, I mean not eat for days until my Mother threw jeans and a blue blouse at me along with a pop tart" I smirked.

"My mother was always too busy to care what I wore" Meredith said "I could've worn a Halloween costume and she wouldn't have noticed. Sure as hell would've been better than pink"

I laughed "you really hate pink!"

Mer nodded in agreement "I really do. Never bought My kid a pink thing in my life"

"Zola wears blue?"

"Zola wears blue."

A/n- Hey faithful readers! Daisy here! If you wanna hop on over to check out my recently finished MerDer fic, Remember for me, that'd be GREAT! I also have a vampire diaries Bamon fic in progress too! And another soon to come!

Vote if you think Callie and Arizona will eventually have another kiddo

Comment if you want another update before Sunday! I'll see what I can do for you guys!

Thanks for reading!


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