Chapter thirty two:

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Happy Sundaze is update daze! Maybe if I get some follows, votes and comments I'll post another chapter before Sunday? Thanks so much for reading, enjoy!

I'm not perfect,

but I keep trying,

cuz that's what I said,

I would do,

from the start.

Christina's POV:

On Christmas day, things were wild.

Meredith insisted on everyone (who wasn't going to visit family) being together for Christmas. Since Scarlet was only four days old, Meredith decided that everyone would meet up at Owen and I's where she would order dinner from a catering place then clean up while we all socialized and opened presents.

Owen and I, who were not anticipating Scarlet coming as early as she did, barely had time to get anything for her to have under the tree for her very first Christmas.

"Owen, she's four days old" I'd complained as he wrapped and placed each present (there were a few little outfits, a teddy bear, some pacifiers, a plush doll and a set of little stuffies that rattled when you shook them) under the tree.

"Still. I want to video tape all her firsts, and how lame would it be if she saw her first Christmas video and saw that there were no presents under the tree?" Owen protested as he slapped a bow on the last box and placed it under the tree.

"I'm Jewish, remember?" I remind him "we aren't celebrating Haunakah"

"Because you never celebrate Haunakah and I always celebrate Christmas" Owen stands up "there, now when she wakes up we'll have some presents for her to open"

"She's a newborn baby" I remind him "She'll be awake in about three hours or so"

"Well, than she can open them in the morning when I've got my camera out" Owen kisses my forehead and declares he's going to do the dishes and then go to bed, before he's off.

Sighing, I seriously just wanted Santa to bring me a few hours of sleep for Christmas.


"Merry Christmas!" I smiled as everyone entered the front door bearing small children and presents.

"Thanks for having us" Burke smiled, one of his daughters on his hip and the other standing next to him.

"Zola is so excited to see her new baby cousin" Meredith smiled, as she kicked off her boots with Zola in her arms (and Derek close behind carrying the diaper bag and presents) "We're flying to New York to see Derek's sisters and Mom tomorrow morning until New Years so that should be fun" Meredith grimaced. She'd said several times that she loved Derek's family, they were just very warm and welcoming and overbearing.

Not Meredith's style.

"We aren't biologically related" I remind her, smiling and taking Zola (who's wearing a cute little red Christmas dress similar to the one Owen put Scarlet in).

"You're her Aunt, Scarlet's her cousin by default" Meredith tells me, as Jo and Alex come in close behind her. Callie and Arizona were visiting Arizona's family for Christmas, so they weren't coming for gift exchange until boxing day, and April and Jackson were visiting April's family for the holidays.

"Look how cute ZoZo looks!" Jo smiles at Zola, as Owen comes in the room with Scarlet.

"Oh look how cute she is!" Meredith takes Scarlet from Owen, smiling "her little dress is so adorable! Oh she's so tiny!"

"Oh her little shoes are the cutest!" Lexie was here now, all 32 weeks pregnant of her. Mark was behind, lugging the gifts.

"I told Owen not to dress her up, she's not even a week old she doesn't need to dress to impress" I take Zola into the living room, with everyone following close behind me.

"She's adorable. She looks just like you" Lexie comments, as I sit Zola on my lap.

"Yeah, yeah real cute. I bought stuff that Jo made me wrap so could we get onto that?" Alex asked, upending his bag of presents onto the floor.

"A pleasure as always, Evil Spawn" I comment, as Meredith rocks Scarlet.

"Presents!" Zola smiles, getting down onto the floor with Burke's daughter's Kira and Isabella. Since she was nearly eighteen months old, she was a lot more mobile.

"That's right baby" Derek smiled down at his little daughter.

"I seriously hope you didn't get anything for Scarlet" I say "Owen insisted on getting her presents as it is"

No one said a word, Meredith smirked, and Jo picked up a pink wrapped present.

"No one followed that rule"


Scarlet, at four days old, ended up getting a bigger haul than everyone combined. All of the clothes she got were 12-18 months or 18-24 months, since she had more than enough of the smaller sized clothes, which was a plus. I wouldn't have to clothes shop for her until she's about two.

She got, in total, six onesies, four sleepers, three pj sets, eight little outfits, three shirts, a pair of pants, two pairs of baby shoes, five little summer rompers, a coat, nine dresses, a bunch of little hair clips and bands, two plush reindeer, a set of books, some bath toys, a set of lotion and bath soaps (the baby kind), two towels, a blanket and a partridge in a pear tree.

That's the downfall of having all doctor friends. They have no lives and lots of spare change, which means they go all out for Christmas and Birthdays (I couldn't say much; I got Zola a doll, three little outfits because Mer said she needed new clothes, a plastic tea set that lit up, a plush unicorn and a few little baby DVD's for Christmas).

"It was a lovely Christmas" Burke said, as we sat in the living room. I was feeding Scarlet while he held his sleeping baby in his lap.

"I was exhausting, but I'm glad everyone came to see Scarlet's first Christmas" I smiled down at my little baby, looking at the same blue eyes her Daddy had.

"All the firsts are always exciting" Burke smiles "I remember when mine were that small"

"Then let me ask you" I say, dead serious "are they supposed to barf as often as this?"

Laughing, Burke nods "Wouldn't be parenthood without baby barf"

"It really wouldn't"

A/N- Do anyone else's family do that? Like i know i have a million baby cousins and my Mom always buys them some toys and some clothes for Christmas and their Birthdays. I'm a piggy backer on her gifts, of course, but my family just goes all out and buys a million little things that no one needs but hey whatever.

Hope you liked the chapter!!!

Vote and comment!

~Daisy :)

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